
10 Signs You’re Making Less Than You Deserve And Need A Raise ASAP

by Marquaysa Battle
20th Century Fox

Your gut instinct is the real MVP: You just don't give it enough credit.Nine times out of 10, you know whether or not you deserve a raise.

You know how well you've done or exactly what areas you need to improve upon in order to be up for a raise in the future.

The problem is often knowing how to ask for that raise, and figuring out the right time to do so.

Here are a few signs it's time for you to make the nerve-wracking – yet potentially rewarding – trip to your supervisor's office.

1. The higher-ups are having you train the newbies.

As soon as your boss gives you that unofficial "training" position, you know you're hot shit on the job. Avoid getting a big head about it.

BUT this is certainly a flashing sign it's probably time for you to move up.

The higher-ups want you to train others literally because they love what you do, adore how you do it and trust you as a teacher.

2. You've been there for two years or more.

You've survived that revolving door at the job! As long as you don't have sketchy attendance, poor work ethic or beef with your co-workers, this is a definite sign.

3. Your salary is less than the average salary for your role and field.

Check sites like Glassdoor and PayScale to determine just how much you're making, compared to your overall industry.

You'll be surprised how often companies low-ball you just because you don't know or didn't ask.

4. Your colleagues have all gotten promotions and/or raises.

It might be easy to feel like you haven't gotten your raise because the company doesn't think you're good enough. But even in the best work environments, business is still business at the end of the day.

Your colleagues might have gotten more bread because they asked and you didn't. It's as simple as that.

5. Your workload and time input has increased.

The moment they start assigning more responsibility to you and requiring more of your time, you're likely treading on the thin line between your position and a higher-paid one.

In fact, one of the best times to ask for a raise is when you've just completed a huge project and are about to take on another, according to Forbes.

6. Your boss depends on you to help run the company.

This is different from your boss asking you to train others or giving you one major task. When you're the backbone of a company, you know it.

And the company knows it, too.

When your boss is literally coming to you about almost everything and even asking for advice about things that have nothing to do with your position, it's because you're his or her go-to fixer.

If you're going to be the Olivia Pope on the job, just be sure they're giving you that Pope & Associates paper.

7. You've gotten great reviews from both co-workers and higher-ups.

Do you have a streak with the highest sales in your company? Are you making "Employee of The Month" every other month?

Have you received any other awards? Use those well-documented achievements as leverage.

8. You know your company is doing well financially.

This is a big one.

If your job has scored a few acquisitions or locked in a huge client, then your company is likely caking. "Caking," for clarity, is when they are making lots and lots of money.

When you notice your company caking more than usual, know you need to be thinking about increasing your cake, too.

9. There's a shortage of people with your skill set in the company.

Are you the only person on the job who possesses a certain tech skill, or can perform a certain operation?

You, love, are the company unicorn.

They need you, and so will likely do what they can to keep you. Don't be afraid of them hiring another person willing to take less money.

It's actually easier to just keep you on board. You already know not just the position, but also the culture of the company.

The hiring process is a lot more daunting than you think. Most companies actually prefer to avoid it.

10. You've gotten higher offers from other companies in your same field.

Yes, this means you should have been looking around and interviewing for other positions. It never hurts to keep your interview count up, even if it's just to know what it's like out there. It helps you get direct proof of what other places are offering.

This is especially helpful for those of you who love your job and don't want to leave: You may not have to bounce just yet.

Once you know what another company can offer you, take it up with your current one.

You got this!