
Powerful Ad Highlights The Sexism In Calling Someone A Female Athlete (Video)

by Gillian Fuller

Everlast is the latest brand to participate in the gender equality movement with its new commercial, I'm A Boxer.

Reminiscent of the Always Like a Girl campaign, the advertisement is a commentary on sexism in sports and, more importantly, a call for fairness and equality.

The commercial features a young boxer, who serves as both the visual star of the commercial and the narrator.

She says,

I imagine a world where it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl. What matters is how well you play.

The narration continues over scenes of the girl practicing and later competing in the ring.

She demands,

Don't call me a female boxer. I am a boxer.

In an email to the Huffington Post, the commercial's director, Claire Edmondson, explained the inspiration behind the commercial.

She said,

There seems to be a trend happening where women's career titles are constantly being tenderized. For instance, I'm constantly referred to as a 'female director' instead of a 'director,' and I wanted to address that.

Edmondson hopes the empowering commercial will inspire girls to “stick with whatever they are doing, even if it feels a little hopeless at the time.”

We think the ad is a success: It is incredibly powerful, and the positive message it communicates is one all young boys and girls should learn from.

Check it out up top.

Citations: Im A Boxer Video Is A Powerful Response To Sexism In Sports (Huffington Post)