
Proud Mom Posts Side-By-Side Photo To Show The Truth About Post-Baby Bodies

by Talia Koren

Last week, "fit twin mama" Anna Strode posted a revealing side-by-side photo on Instagram showing her post-partum extra skin over her rock-hard six pack.

It just goes to show that no matter how incredible your body works or how often you exercise, you still might be insecure about parts of your body. Strode encourages women everywhere to embrace their flaws.

The 31-year-old's post was an excellent reminder to moms (and women in general) everywhere that their bodies are capable of bearing life, which is much more meaningful than a toned tummy.

Strode is known for her adorable workout videos on Instagram that always feature her twin boys. From the looks of it, they're super into fitness too.

How cute is this?

Below is the side-by-side photo showing what her stomach looks like when she's sitting down versus the type of photo she normally posts.

She looks great in both, but posting this wasn't easy for her to do. She says,

It's not easy for me to do this, I promise you as I post this I am no joke absolutely shit*ing myself but the reason I'm doing this is to show you we're ALL REAL! We all have things we wish we could change, it's easy to get caught up in the perfect world of social media but DON'T! Because behind every image is someone that has things they wish they could change too.

It's inspiring to see photos showing insecurities that even the fittest people have. She also questioned why the photo on the left wouldn't represent perfection. She makes a great point.

Everyday we are surrounded by images that are supposed to represent 'perfection' but why can't the pic on the left represent perfection too?! The pic on the left represents what my body is capable of ~ growing 2 babies, yes!

"Be proud, be kind, love your body for what it has done."

This isn't the first time she's posted a side-by-side photo aiming to reveal what really happens to your body post-partum and how long it actually takes to bounce back.

Here is a previous side-by-side photo showing Strode's body six weeks after giving birth to twins and then nine months after:

Hard work takes time but, obviously, it pays off.

We love seeing awesome moms like Strode make waves in changing how post-partum bodies are viewed. Even when everything looks perfect on social media, there's always something that isn't revealed. These posts prove that showing what bodies really look like can be incredibly powerful.

Citations: This fit mum proves that you can have a six pack and loose skin (Metro UK)