
The Cursing Little Girls Are Back To Say F*ck Domestic Violence (Video)

by Emily Arata

The "potty-mouth princesses" who curse to raise awareness for feminism are back, and they're stirring up as much controversy as ever.

In a new video focusing on domestic violence, a young boy plays the part of a drunken, drooling abuser while a gang in princess dresses curses its way through statistics about violence against women.

I have a few problems with this, including the fact that this video completely ignores violence against men. Instead, it paints them as dolts and drunkards.

One of the princesses cites a CDC survey that one in four women (about 25 percent) will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Except she's left out the back half of that stat: one in seven men (almost 14 percent) will be abused, too.

The girls also point out that one in five women report experiencing rape, but what about the one in 71 men who do, too?

If FCKH8 is truly speaking for equality and an end to domestic violence, it shouldn't have excluded an entire gender. Not to mention, the clip doesn't even touch upon anything other than heterosexual relationships.

And here's the kicker: The entire video exists to sell t-shirts purchasable under the website's "Anti-Sexism" tab, some of which feature the slogan,

Break the silence on domestic violence.

If this organization wants to end domestic violence, it needs to treat all victims equally.

In FCKH8's quest to shock everyone with children yelling curse words, it seems they've forgotten to focus on the heart of the issue: the lives ruined by domestic violence, be they female or male.

Citations: Potty Mouth Princesses Repulsive New Video About Domestic Violence Is Even Worse Than The First (Total Sorority )