
Turmeric Can Do Wonders For Your Body, But Be Wary Of These 6 Side Effects

by Annakeara Stinson

Given the amazing benefits turmeric can promise for your overall health, it's no surprise that the ancient plant has been getting a whole lot of good press in the United States for the past few years.

You might recognize it first and foremost as the thing that gives curries from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and India their yellowish hue, but you'll also be happy to know you can use turmeric in a whole array of delicious foods.

Its main ingredient, curcumin, is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory by lowering the presence of inflammation-causing enzymes in the body.

Turmeric is also an antioxidant, and it can slow or stop blood clotting.

Not too bad, right?

Having said that, like anything, turmeric should be used with a dose of careful consideration since a lot of its purported uses (including treatment for joint pain, bloating, IBS, arthritis, skin inflammation, jaundice, gas, Crohn's disease, fatigue, and liver problems) are mostly anecdotal and haven't been thoroughly studied.

While the amount you consume in food isn't really known to cause any drastically harmful side effects, when taken as a supplement, turmeric might have some weird effects on your body.

Here are a few of those effects to be aware of if you're thinking about incorporating turmeric into your everyday diet.

1. Some Less Than Pretty Interactions WITH SOME MEDICATIONS

Turmeric may not mix too well with certain medications.

Medications that act as anticoagulants (blood thinners) are one such type, since turmeric works as a blood thinner itself.

Others that have been reported not to mix with are stomach acid reducers and diabetes medications.

2. Too Much Might Lead To Kidney Stones If You're Already Prone To Them

Turmeric is high in soluble oxalates, which can bind to calcium and increase the production of calcium deposits in the kidney -- aka a common form of kidney stones.

So if you've had trouble with these very, very painful little body rocks in the past, turmeric is probably something you want to avoid.

3. A Heavier Period Flow

That's right. Because of its blood-thinning properties, turmeric can potentially cause your flow to increase, which, in some cases, could be a good thing.

But it's certainly something to consider if you already tend to use super-size tampons as it is.

4. Your Tummy May Not Like Turmeric

Some people experience an upset stomach with turmeric, but even worse, some have reported nausea, diarrhea, and even a bit of dizziness.

Go easy on any new supplement, but especially turmeric, and make sure to ingest it as recommended. 

5. It May Not Be The Best Supplement If You're Pregnant

Since turmeric is known to stimulate the uterus and increase bleeding, it's best not to take it when you're pregnant, since it's not totally clear how it'll affect you or your child.

Better safe than sorry, no?

6. Allergic Reactions

Some people have reported allergic reactions to turmeric, both inside and out, including some nasty rashes.

Again, the majority of these side effects are more anecdotal than fully backed by science, so as with any new supplement, food, herb, or whatever new thing you're adding to your diet, just be cautious the first few times you try it.