
Dominatrix Says Michael Phelps Wore Women's Panties And Got Peed On

by Adam Silvers

Michael Phelps is no stranger to questionable encounters with women, but this most recent alleged incident is on another level.

According to the Daily Mail, the 18-time Olympic gold medalist allegedly had one crazy night with Kim Petro, a plus-size dominatrix from New York City.

We warn you, the details are rather, well, you be the judge.

It all begins, according to Petro, with a phone call from Phelps in February of 2013. The 36-year-old says Phelps represented himself as Fabian Marasciullo, a music producer with connections to Lil Wayne.

After their conversation, Phelps allegedly paid her $900 to come to his hotel, The London, in Manhattan.

Upon arrival to his hotel room, Petro says Phelps stripped down and was wearing “skimpy women's underwear.” The two then allegedly smoked some pot, followed by Petro peeing on Phelps.

Afterward, Petro says Phelps requested to not only masturbate in front of her, but for Petro to pull a string around his balls while he looked at her breasts.


Citations: Plus-sized dominatrix details lurid encounter with Michael Phelps (Daily Mail)