
How To Win $1 Million A Year For Life By Getting A Job At Dairy Queen

by Joseph Milord
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As March Madness quickly approaches, Elite Daily has your official get-rich-quick plan, and it's totally legit.

For the prize of winning $1 million a year for the REST OF YOUR LIFE, all you have to do is:

  1. Apply for a job at Dairy Queen
  2. Fill out a company NCAA Tournament Bracket, like every other normal person in America
  3. Hope for the best

Now I know this sounds too good to be true, so allow me to explain.

This morning, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO, Warren Buffett, went on CNBC and announced a unique incentive for all of his employees this month.

Buffett: Berkshire workers who get to Sweet 16 in company NCAA bracket challenge win $1M/year for rest of their life — CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) February 29, 2016

In layman's terms: Berkshire, which operates many organizations under its management, is having a company wide NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge.

That will require filling out one of these bad boys, of course.

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The winner of that bracket challenge will win $100,000, Buffett said. Then, he offered a twist:

If they go through two bracket tests... and they get to the Sweet 16 only, they get $1 million a year for the rest of their life.

This begs the obvious question: How do you quickly get a job under Buffett?

ESPN's Darren Rovell promptly had the answer:

Easiest path to becoming an employee of a Warren Buffett company to try to win $1M a year for life in bracket? Get a job at Dairy Queen. — Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) February 29, 2016

So, there you go.

Fill out that application for Dairy Queen (like, today). Fill out your bracket right after orientation, and then hope your predictions are perfect through only two rounds of the tournament.

See? It's simple.

Citations: CNBC Now