
Woman In Labor Absolutely Crushes The 'Whip/Nae Nae' Dance (Video)

by Eitan Levine

That's one way to get a baby out of there.

When my mom was pregnant with me, the doctor said she should take walks and do physical activities in order to induce labor faster.

While I don't know what my mother did to eventually start the process of getting me into this world, I doubt whatever maneuver she pulled was as cool as what this woman did.

Despite being laden with a living creature inside of her, this woman CRUSHES the Whip and the Nae Nae with skill and commitment that would make Silentó proud.

Can't wait to see the follow-up video in a few years when the whole family does the "Stanky Legg" together.

Citations: Watch this new mom Whip and Nae Nae her way through labor (Mashable)