
Woman With MS Posts Inspiring Message After Rude Note Is Left On Her Car

by Eitan Levine

Justine Van Den Borne can tell you first hand when you are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, you have good days, and you have bad days.

When the disease is at its worst, it can be crippling. Those who suffer from it feel tremendous pain, keeping them from doing simple tasks like walking or even just sitting up straight.

But there are also good days.

Days where the pain is manageable and life can move on as if the disease, affecting the patient's central nervous system, isn't even there.

It was on one of these “good days” Justine was able to walk with her daughter without the aid of a wheelchair at the Mitcham Shopping Centre in Melbourne.

What should have been a much-needed simple and normal trip turned hostile, though, when Justine got back to her car and found a message someone left for her on the windshield.

To person that left this on my car last week at Mitcham Shopping Centre- I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I... Posted by Justine Van Den Borne on Monday, November 9, 2015

The absurdly offensive and wildly ill-informed letter read,

Did you forget your wheelchair???

Justine took this awful note and decided to turn it into a teaching moment through a Facebook post informing readers about the hidden struggles people with MS go through.

She finished off the post with a defiant statement. Justine wrote,

A disability doesn't always mean a person has to be wheelchair bound but lucky for you I one day will be. Right now my focus is to walk into my best friends wedding next September and not have to be pushed. I will be 42. Before you ruin another persons day remember you don't know everything and just because you can't see it it doesn't mean a person isn't struggling to put one foot in front of the other.

Maybe think twice before leaving random, angry notes on people's windshields next time.

Citations: Did you forget your wheelchair Woman with multiple sclerosis finds cruel note above the disability sticker on her car (Daily Mail)