
This Video Explains How Not To Talk To Rape Victims

by Gillian Fuller

All too often, rape victims are blamed for their attacker's actions. Even worse, the accusations tend to come from the very people who are supposed to help them.

Questions like, “What were you wearing?” or “Did you drink too much?” minimize the reality of what happened and make it harder for victims to come forward.

To highlight how harmful this is, PYPO and It's On Us created a sketch showing a victim's attempts to tell her story to a detective, who repeatedly asks her belittling questions. Eventually, he ends up blaming her for the assault.

The kicker? She's wearing a chicken suit — a far cry from the “revealing” clothing the detective accuses her of wearing.

The video was created as part of It's On Us' National Week of Action, which is part of the White House's ongoing initiative to end sexual assault on college campuses.

Check out the video up top.

Citations: This Video Shows How NOT to Talk to a Victim About Rape (Cosmopolitan)