
Man Posts Shocking Texts From Guy Who Stood Him Up For Looking 'Like A Muslim'


Omeed Mehdi had hired a concreting company in Perth, Australia, to do a job for him at a building site.

But when the tradesman arrived he, apparently, saw Mehdi and drove to a pub instead. When Mehdi asked for an explanation he said he “looked like a Muslim.”

Mehdi posted a description of the events to Facebook, and his post quickly spread, naturally drawing outcry.

Mehdi then posted screenshots of the text exchange he had with the concreter, which is even more infuriating.

Before "John" sees Mehdi, and suspects him of being a Muslim, he is perfectly friendly. (Although, he should really capitalize the first letters of your sentences when business texting — and should stop being racist.)

John doesn't show up to the appointment.

And when Mehdi presses him, the guy says “Sorry, I got caught up at the pub.”

Mehdi counters with a pretty good burn offering to have him lay the concrete for him in the parking lot of the pub.

And then the concreter reveals his prejudice. At this point, things get both more horrible and stranger.

He openly admits to having racist prejudice but is also “willing to give” Mehdi a chance, because he doesn't have the most going on that week. It's like the weirdest casual racism I've ever seen.

Like, what is he expecting from Medhi after saying something like that? Is Medhi supposed to say, “Oh awesome! I hope we won't disappoint you”? This brand of racism could not be odder or more passive.

As BuzzFeed points out, the concreter's business Yellow Pages ad disappeared in the aftermath of the text altercation, as word of the man's behavior has spread online.

Citations: BuzzFeed