
Unwilling Turtle Forced By Student Into Bizarre Bio Test Cheating Scheme

by Alexandra Strickler

I don't miss high school at all.

Aside from generally not fitting in very much (my social life consisted of me loitering in front of movie theaters with people I didn't even like), the classes were, for the most part, unbearable.

I've always been more of a humanities/language arts kind of girl, so subjects like math and biology were basically my kryptonite -- although, it probably wouldn't have been as bad if I'd just been as clever as Twitter user @scram_tighe.


He tweeted a series of photos from his school desk, apparently while he was in the middle of taking a biology exam.

Accompanying him was this little guy.


Maybe I'm getting old AF and my memory is going, but I'm pretty sure I don't remember other students having turtles, or tortoises or any pets, for that matter, on the desk with them.

Damn, guys. Has high school really changed that much in the last five years?!


Apparently, it has.


In the least low-key display of cheating ever, this guy wrote the answers to his multiple-choice test on a piece of paper and taped it to the turtle's cute little belly.

I don't know whether or not to hate this. And I just have so many questions.

Like, how did you get all the answers to the test in the first place?


And why are you allowed to have your phone out?


I feel like the line between genius and stupid can be really, really thin sometimes.

This is an irrelevant point, but I have to respond with a hard "NO" to that.


OK, props to you for your extensive knowledge of turtle anatomy, but, like, more importantly, WHY ARE YOU ALLOWED TO HAVE ANY ANIMAL ON YOUR DESK?!


I guess slow friends are just always there for each other, no matter what.


On the real though, this turtle does not look like he wants to be part of @scram_tighe's little scam.

Just look at this face.


That is the face of a creature whose moral fiber has been completely and utterly compromised against his will.

Somebody please go check on that little guy and make sure he's all right.