
Reporter Caught Having Flood Victims Carry Her So She Wouldn't Ruin Her Shoes

by Oliver McAteer

Outrageous Picture of the Day Award goes to this rascal of a reporter.

Reporter Lydia Cumming was working for TV Azteca Pueblo reporting on major flooding in the city when she got carried by two victims so she didn't get her expensive shoes wet.


Oh yeah, she got the meme treatment alright. People were posting under hashtag #LadyReportera.

She later apologized for the terrible move. In a translated video, she said,

I know what I did was wrong and I accept the consequences. The photos show a lack of professionalism and tact.

She continued,

A photographer friend [of mine] took the photos and shared them with me on our personal social media profiles, without wanting to exhibit or persecute me.

She later told Mexican newspaper El Pais, "I try to maintain a good relationship with people and I was afraid I would sound rude if I turned down the favor. They carried me two seconds and after I asked them to put me down."

Dying to know what kind of shoes they are, though.