Each year, Brazil's finest backsides come out to compete in an annual swimsuit competition known as the Miss BumBum Pageant.
If there's one thing we can learn from this year's event, it's that basically nothing is scared these days, not even the almighty last supper.
That's right. A bunch of the bikini-clad contestants recently posed for a photograph that essentially put a sexy spin on Leonardo Da Vinci's iconic painting "The Last Supper."
Miss Bumbum pageant sparks anger after contestants recreate the Last Supper painting https://t.co/kHCngeEDaP pic.twitter.com/F6Q5Zw8uba — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) October 25, 2016
Now these ladies are in a buttload of trouble. Literally.
As you can imagine, the Catholic community is pretty pissed off that these models used their divine derrières to make a mockery out of the last meal Jesus had before his crucifixion.
Maybe you're thinking, "what's the big deal, it's just a painting?"
It turns out that this deal is even bigger than the butts in that photo because this 15th-century work of art is not just some old painting in the eye of Catholics.
This particular piece is considered to be one of history's greatest religious masterpieces, which is why people are so offended that the contest replaced Christ and his disciples with the frontrunner of the booty contest, Daiana Fegueredo, and a bunch of butt-baring Brazilians.
Plus, let's be real, everyone knows that fugly bright orange bikinis are in no way acceptable attire for a dinner party. SMH.
Now, before you decide that there's a special place in Hell for all of these apple-bottomed babes, it's important to note that the models weren't the ones who came up with the idea for this sacrilegious scene.
Apparently, Cacau Oliver, the pageant's founder, was the evil mastermind behind this horribly offensive photograph.
Oliver, told the Daily Mail,
It was the last meeting of the women before the grand final. It reminded me of 'The Last Supper.' It was where Jesus was betrayed by Judas, because of jealousy, and like it or not the woman with the most votes is also the target of jealousy. She is at the center, and the other girls will want to crucify her because she got more votes than them.
Most of the models are now claiming that they didn't even want to be in the photograph and only agreed to do it because it was part of their Miss BumBum Pageant contracts.
In fact, Daiana Fegueredo, the woman depicted as Jesus in the photo, even issued a public apology for participating in the photo shoot.
In an interview with Daily Mail, Fegueredo said,
I completely understand people being angry about it because even I'm angry and I'm in it. For me it is blasphemy. I feel really bad deep inside of me. I'm a practicing Catholic. Since I did the photo my heart is tight inside my chest, I can't sleep and I don't stop thinking about it. I've already asked forgiveness from God, and I ask forgiveness from everyone else. We went too far. We were part of a great sin.
So yeah, I think this serves as a good reminder that it's never OK to just butt into someone else's dinner party, especially if that dinner party happens to be for Jesus.
Citations: Swimsuit Competition Recreates 'Last Supper' Sparking Major Outrage (Foodbeast)