
These Guys Left A Super Chill Video On Girl's iPhone They Found At The Bar

by Hope Schreiber

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but before you leave anywhere after you've been drinking you have to check for the Holy Trinity -- phone, wallet, keys.

Otherwise, you may never see them again.

Luckily for one woman, Ali Cook, her phone found its way into the hands of two bouncers, Chris and Joe.

The guys found her phone on a table after she left Manchester's Walrus bar, and before they returned it to the rightful owner, they left a video message.

Honestly, this is a lot kinder than I would have been had I found a phone left at a bar.

Don't get me wrong, I would return it to the owner, but not before doing that thing where you bend your arm to make the crease look like a butt crack and taking a bunch of pictures of it.

You know what I'm talking about right? An arm butt -- made with your elbow.

Anyway, the bouncers, who are obviously having a lot of fun together, jokingly tell the phone's owner in their video,

Left your phone on the table haven't you. Not a good move. Especially with us two around.

He even says,

I even know how to unlock an iPhone, but because I'm a gentleman I won't do it.

This is my worst nightmare. All of those nudes I have... of my dog.


Despite the bouncers telling her not to post the video on Facebook, Ali Cook did and it has received 173K views. She wrote:

So after losing my phone on Saturday night, I got it back but then discovered this on it...!! Brilliant!! #tusk #walrus #doorstaff #dontloseyerfuckinphone!! @walrusmcr [sic]

The bouncers were just looking out for Ali and wanted to ensure that she didn't forget her phone again.

Next time, she may not have a nice video but just a bunch of elbow-butt photos.

Citations: Bouncers Leave Cheeky Message On Woman's Lost Phone (The LAD Bible)