Total Savage Sends Heartbreaking Sext To Another Guy's Girlfriend Mid-Sex
Nothing is sacred anymore.
Love between a man and a woman? Not sacred.
An intangible bond with the Holy Spirit? Nope.
Sacred Valley in Machu Picchu? You can bet your ass that's not sacred.
So, don't even get me started on this heartbreaking Snapchat message.
Some poor guy said he was hitting up his girlfriend's phone when he got an unexpected reply from her best friend... who was having sex with her.
The "best friend" even had the balls to say,
She's busy, text later.
No way. Stuff like this doesn't actually happen, right? Whose life is THIS messed up?!
The guy posted the Snapchat picture on Twitter with the caption,
SMH y'all, my girl with her best friend and he Snapchatted this. What do I do?
You delete her number, man. You kill contact. Gently sob on your mom's shoulder if you have to. But move on with your life.
Uh oh. The savage didn't stop there.
What's this all about?!
LOOK AWAY. No one needs this much insult to injury.
It's the sext to end all sexts.
Although I guess we can learn something from this.
If sexting's your thing – and you're also a lover of Snapchat – combine the two.
You may or may not be aware that the photo sharing app rolled out an update over the summer that makes it easier than ever to send out saucy Snaps.
Basically, the new Memories feature lets you store photos and videos in a folder, so that you can reuse them for future Snaps and stories.
The horny ones among us can take advantage of this by loading up the Memories archive with a stash of porn vids and images. You can dip back into the folder at any time and send the pics to the people you're sexting.
You can thank me later.