
Biggest 'Harry Potter' Fan Created The Iconic Cupboard Under The Stairs (Photos)

by Sean Levinson
Facebook/Warner Bros. Pictures

A "Harry Potter" superfan turned a hidden storage space into a reading room dedicated to the book series.

According to BuzzFeed, Courtney Bonnet moved with her husband and two sons into a new home in Pennsylvania last June.

She didn't like the house at first but agreed to take it because it came with a cupboard under a stairway, much like the room a young Harry Potter lived in with the Dursley family.


The children's librarian soon began adorning the space with pillows, carpeting and all things "Harry Potter" to create the perfect reading environment.

Bonnet told BuzzFeed,

I just love 'Harry Potter' and books and reading. I am pretty crafty and handy around the house so I figured why not? What kid wouldn't want their own secret room?

The walls were covered with pages from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"...


...but only because she appears to have had a spare copy that had been damaged.


It took her eight full days and nights to finish the decorations, with many more to come.


Bonnet said,

[My two boys] love the room. They play hide-and-seek and their friends love to check it out when they come over.

She added she is greatly looking forward to reading the "Harry Potter" books to her sons in the cupboard and thus yielding an appreciation for the series that may very well dwarf her own.

Citations: This Harry Potter Fan Decorated The Cupboard Under Her Stairs And Its Amazing (BuzzFeed)