If You're Traveling For Fourth Of July Weekend, We Have Some Bad News
There is no better weekend than Fourth of July to grab your friends, hop in the car with a cooler full of beer and crank some tunes.
You probably already know it's the biggest weekend for travel of the summer. Lots of people skip town for this holiday every year, right?
In case that didn't occur to you, we hate to be the bearers of even more bad news: You're not the only person who figured out the cost of traveling is lower this year compared to last.
This long weekend is usually perfect for a short beach vacation or maybe a quick camping trip. But this year, the low gas and lodging prices are inspiring people to ditch their backyard barbecue for a three-day getaway. The low fuel prices also make airfare cheaper, so expect airports to be crowded as hell, too.
Yeah, so Fourth of July travel is going to be a little different this year. If you're planning on leaving for the long weekend, so are 43 million Americans, according to AAA. I guess great minds think alike.
The number of people traveling this Independence Day weekend hasn't been this high since 2007. Overall, AAA predicts this will be a record-breaking summer for travel in America.
Travelers should definitely plan for traffic and delays. A whopping 84 percent of the 43 million travelers will be driving, according to AAA. So you better load up a backup playlist for when you inevitably hit slowdowns on the road.
And if you're flying, don't be that guy in the security line who left a full water bottle in his bag before it goes through the checkpoint. We all hate that guy.
Now that you're in the know, you can be smart and plan around the hoards of people joining you on the road or in the skies to avoid letting a little bit of traffic ruin your precious three-day weekend. Don't let this record-breaking weekend make you late to the beach.
This Independence day weekend, I'm not going anywhere because I'm betting on having Manhattan to myself.