#TrumpDebateExcuses Is The Best Thing To Happen To Twitter This Week
I always look forward to the presidential debates.
The debates give the American people a chance to see what the politicians really stand for, because it's just the candidates on stage -- no publicists, no assistants and very little room for excuses.
Perhaps that's why this tweet from Donald Trump has Twitter in an uproar.
The Donald apparently thinks Hillary Clinton and some nebulous Democrats set the debate schedule.
The funny thing is, Politicus USA reports, the Commission on Presidential Debates sets the debate schedule. The group is composed of people from both parties, and it set the schedule in September 2015, long before anybody thought Trump was a real contender.
Naturally, this led people on Twitter to come up with all kinds of hypothetical debate excuses from Trump, and some of them are pretty funny.
Most of the excuses touch on Trump's hair and his desire to tweet things, or they connect him to things like Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan, Vladimir Putin and Sarah Palin.
Check out some of the funnier tweets below, and check out more #TrumpDebateExcuses on Twitter.
I'm too busy winning and being amazing to debate.
I'm busy on Twitter.
I'm too busy with my associates.
I'm too busy dealing with my hair.
Citations: Trump Starts Making Excuses to Avoid Debating Hillary Clinton (Politicus USA)