This Puppy Trying So Hard To Get A Big Stick Through A Door Is All Of Us
An often-attributed Albert Einstein quote (whether correctly or not) says "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Well, this French Bulldog trying to get a stick through a door is insane, but it's also cute and perseverant AF while doing it.
According to Daily Mail, the puppy is named Angus.
Honestly, watching Angus is not only cute, it's inspiring. Sometimes, there are no easy solutions; you just have to keep trying and trying and trying... and trying and trying again... and still not giving up... jeez, you're still trying... and try something that's kind of still the same... still no success.
OK, so maybe Angus fails to get the stick through the door in the end, or at least by the end of this clip, but HE NEVER GAVE UP.
Yeah, that's the moral of the story. Life is going to throw you big sticks and it's going to ask you to carry them through doorways that are far too small. When it does, just remember Angus the French Bulldog never gave up, and maybe you'll get that stick through that door.
Citations: You can't teach a young dog new tricks either! Hilarious video shows Angus the puppy trying (and failing) to fit a long stick through doorway despite multiple attempts (Daily Mail)