
Older Couple Adorably Teaches A Complete Stranger How To Tie His Tie (Photo)

by Taylor Ortega

Science has yet to definitively prove whether or not tying a tie is even possible, despite a mess of online tutorials.

But, there is hope for one of us.

While waiting for a train at the Lindbergh Center MARTA station in Atlanta, Redd Desmond Thomas killed time creepin' on a sweet interaction between a young man and an older couple.

As the young man struggled to tie his tie, the couple intervened and taught him a skill that, again, I'm not entirely sure is even a scientific possibility.

Thomas shared the story and a photo of the tender moment on Facebook.

: [HUMANS & HUMANITY]The young guy sitting down was struggling with his tie. The woman in the red coat noticed, and... Posted by Redd Desmond Thomas on Saturday, November 14, 2015

Humans helping humans for the sake of kindness is always encouraging to see, even in a situation as futile as tie-tying.

Citations: Couple Teaches Young Stranger How to Tie His Tie at MARTA Station (FOX 5)