
Couple Shamed For Posting NSFW 'Porn' Wedding Photo On Facebook

Facebook/Gareth Ferguson

Gareth Ferguson seemed hopeful everyone would catch the bright side of his favorite wedding photo.

In a post on Facebook that included the picture, Gareth wrote,

This is by far my best photo from the wedding one that made us both laugh and we hope you can all see the funny side of it as we did.

But of course, there are always two sides to the wave of reactions that come crashing down on a raunchy joke like this: the cool people who never let sanctimony get in the way of a good laugh, and the lames who want to clutch their pearls about everything.

Well, the lames had their say on this one, and they gave the Fergusons a piece of their mind. Toni Ferguson told The Sun,

People have told us it's disgusting, that we've lost the plot or have missed what a wedding is supposed to be about. Some have even called it porn. You'd think they'd never seen a willy before.


Anyway, the Fergusons promise there's plenty more where that came from. Their photographer took other photos of them mocking sex positions, but the couple only decided to post one on Facebook.

And it's clear why they did it, too. All the other photos in their album are boring and mundane, so they wanted to spice things up, Toni said.

Still, haters gon' hate, so you know some people came after the newlyweds. Toni, though, had a perfect response for those who considered it to be a "porn" wedding photo. She told The Sun,

Some stranger sent me a message after seeing the photo calling into question my mothering but if my kids see that photo when they're older and DON'T laugh then I've brought them up wrong.

Shoutout to the Fergusons. I mean, I probably wouldn't have done it, but, then again, that ain't my money. You hear that, whiners? It's their money.

Toni Ferguson

Citations: The Sun