Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here To Help You Recover From The Start Of Mercury Retrograde
Right on the heels of the supermoon last night, we've got a week ahead of classic Mercury retrograde confusion. Just keep in mind that the first week of Mercury retrograde is the worst. Things will chill out a bit next week, but everyone this week might be feeling a little lost, a little mental cloudiness, and possibly even nostalgic for a past they didn't know they missed. Remember as you read your Dec. 4, 2017 weekly horoscope that this too shall pass, and you have a lot to look forward to at the end of the month when Saturn moves into the sign of Capricorn after a two-and-a-half year stay in Sagittarius.
With Saturn's move will come Mercury's shift into direct motion, and a feeling of everything coming more clearly into focus. You'll feel like you went to get new glasses for your brain, and you'll be glad for the lessons you are learning now, which will become clear to you after the fact. As for right this moment, you can sort of become more of an observer in your own life. Don't feel the pressure to react to your feeling of being lost. As a wise friend of mine once said, "Don't just do something, sit there."
This week there will be a lot of changes going on. You may have had an important trip or writing project postponed or canceled over the weekend, and with Mars and Saturn moving into alignment, you could feel your lifeforce drained a bit. This week is best to focus on resting up and refueling. Focus on the things that make you spiritually happy.
Your life has been set to the tune of "Bitch Better Have My Money" for weeks, and that doesn't change much when a paycheck takes longer to clear than you expected. Just be patient Taurus, and take a deep breath. Money is on its way to you by the end of the month. Air out your grievances in personal relationships now as well, because they're likely to come up with Mercury in retrograde.
With Neptune fogging things up even more than usual, Mercury retrograde is making you feel confusion regarding a business parter or possibly your own boss. Don't force any decisions yet, as more will be revealed next week. In the meantime, try to focus on your plans for the holiday season and finding a date for your office holiday party.
Use the upcoming Mars and Saturn alignment next week to catch up on anything at work that you might have let fall by the wayside. You have a health matter this week that might threaten your well-being if you refuse to give it the attention it deserves, so remember to balance your workload with rest and self-care, and deal with anything else next week.
With Neptune clouding everyone's mental vision, you might feel the desire to stay close to home this week. You could have a partner dealing with financial stress as well, or could be dealing with that yourself, but there's no need to let it mess with you. Curl up this week and enjoy your creature comforts. You'll be well rested for next week, when things pick up a bit.
This week the focus is on your achievements; you might feel as if you've got too much to do regarding the things you are responsible for: your pets, your job, just doing the dishes. It's natural during Mercury retrograde to feel a little forgetful. Make a to-do list and mark things off one at a time in order of priority. Delegate tasks to others if you need to!
The full moon this week occurred in your ninth house, which suggests you're focused on furthering your education, a public relations project, or an international matter. Perhaps you missed a deadline to sign up for a class you needed to take or are behind on some studying you need to get done. The best option is to get down to business, stop procrastinating, and stay patient when obstacles get in the way.
This week presents a few money-related problems between you and a partner or a business partner. If there's money you owe to someone, or money that's owed to you, please consider taking a deep breath before reacting in anger or impatience. I promise that by this time next week, any delays will have been ironed out, so manage your expectations.
Happy birthday, Sagittarius! You might feel like everyone around you is having a sh*t week, but with four planets in your sun sign, you'll be getting a real energy boost. Use this energy to fuel your creativity, either by working on a personal project or by hosting a birthday gathering to lift everyone's spirits. They'll need it!
You might have thought you finally finished up a work project and are ready to take a week-long nap, but don't settle in just yet. With Mercury retrograde, you'll most likely have some more details to go over that you might've missed. You have four planets in your privacy sector, so try to take your work home with you, where you can finish it on your own time.
Aquarius is always ahead of everyone, so whatever cosmic disturbances the rest of the world is feeling now, you probably went through last week. This week however, you're feeling way more sociable, so go with it! Get out there and join in any holiday festivities, and prepare for an even busier workweek next week, when all your networking pays off.
Pisces, this week marks the beginning of a trend you're going to start to see over the next two-and-a-half years. Your career opportunities are going to start to pick up in a major way; my only advice is to wait on making any huge moves until the end of the month, or after Dec. 22, when Mercury goes direct and you've got more clarity to make an informed decision.