Your 2020 Horoscope Is Finally Here & There's A Lot To Be Prepared For
A new decade is officially in session and there are so many wonderful moments to look forward to. But before I reveal your 2020 yearly horoscope, let's take a closer look at this year's most prominent transits. Brace yourselves because every planet that's able to retrograde will, and you know how that goes. Also, if you have any personal planets in the sign of Gemini or Sagittarius, 2020 will also be a pivotal year, as the nodes of the moon will make their official debut in your celestial terrain. Hint: The North Node is where you're going; the South Node is what you're releasing.
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are most likely to feel the upcoming shifts, but if you'd like more clarity on this, check where the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is on your birth chart. Also known as the "Nodes of Fate," the nodes of the moon are divine guides that lead you toward your truth, which means this will be experienced both personally and collectively. Something else to keep in mind is that lunar and solar eclipses take place near the nodes of the moon, so the theme of Gemini and Sagittarius will be very much present in 2020.
And I haven't even gotten started, so here's what 2020 has in store for you, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries: A Year Of Personal And Professional Experiences
Bad news first, Aries? Your assertive planetary ruler, Mars, will retrograde on Sept. 9 through Nov. 14, but you've got this. Use this retro cycle to reflect on your actions and desires. Once the nodes of the moon shift onto the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, you'll feel an insatiable desire to wander into unknown territory and runaway from your immediate environment. Lots to learn and experience this year.
Taurus: A Year Of Building And Reaping What You've Sowed
You get what you give, Taurus. You also get as much as the work you put in. Just saying. Worst part about 2020? Your luscious planetary ruler will retrograde on May 13 through June 25 via your second house of rulership, which revolves around your finances and self-worth. This year could bring you an incredible amount of prosperity, but you need to make a few sacrifices, so sort out your priorities.
Gemini: A Year Of Relationships And Magical Beginnings
The spotlight's on you this year, Gemini. I mean that in every way, too. Once the North Node shifts into your sign in May, your focus will also move toward yourself and your relationships. Venus will retrograde through your sign from May to June, which will put a magnifying glass on your relationships and values. Leave the past behind, because there are magical new chapters on the way.
Cancer: A Year Of Finally Putting Yourself First
There are going to be six eclipses in 2020, Cancer. I mention this because you're a fellow moon child and these major lunations will always affect you. Venus will retrograde through your 12th house of closure, which means this is an excellent opportunity for you to forgive and forget. Saturn will also shake up for your intimate eighth house of shared resources this year, which could solidify both personal and professional unions.
Leo: A Year To Take Action In Your Social Spheres
Looking for your soul tribe, Leo? You're in luck this year, and for a number of reasons. Once you get through the eclipses via the Cancer-Capricorn axis — advising you to be mindful of your routine and health — you will begin to shift your focus toward your individual truth and your sense of belonging in the world. Venus will also retrograde via this area of your chart, which will be a good time to reflect and reassess your social spheres.
Virgo: A Year To Focus On Your Career Vs. Home Life
What are your soul aspirations, Virgo? Despite you being the most resourceful in the zodiac, have you ever stopped for a moment to reflect on whether you're actually happy with your professional life? Your destiny is calling you and you're finally going for it in 2020. In the meantime, take advantage of the influence of electric Uranus, as it is revolutionizing your personal philosophies and life perspective. Discover your truth and follow your path.
Libra: A Year Of Positive Self-Reflection And Love
Your irresistible ruling planet, Venus, will retrograde this year, so you might be feeling a bit low on energy. Despite that, it's an excellent time to review, reflect, and re-evaluate your relationships and value system. The upcoming eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius will bring new beginnings to your communication style and personal philosophy. This is also a great time for studying, traveling, and expanding your horizons.
Scorpio: A Year For Material And Spiritual Abundance
Where are you headed to next, Scorpio? The Cancer-Capricorn eclipses are shedding light on your thought process and general philosophy, but from the looks of it, you're finally creating the life you always wanted. Last year, Jupiter in Sagittarius expanded your visions and self-confidence, and this year, Jupiter in Capricorn is helping you build something long lasting. Your mind is also in the process of expanding, not to mention learning how to look on the brighter side of things.
Sagittarius: A Year To Rework Your Value System
You're so money and you don't even know it, Sagittarius. With the nodes of the moon shifting onto your astrological axis in 2020, you will begin to focus on your sense of self both independently and within your relationships. However, there's something you need to let go of first, so be prepared to do a much-needed detox. Saturn will also enter your communication sector, which means it's time for you to master a skill and perhaps solidify something in your immediate network.
Capricorn: A Year For Making Progress In Every Way
You've come a long way, Capricorn. The good news is, things will start to feel a bit lighter once your structured ruling planet, Saturn, shifts into rebellious Aquarius. However, until then, there are still a few things you need to take care of. Although, with the nodes of the moon shifting into Gemini-Sagittarius, this could very well revolve around your level of mindfulness, work schedule, or perhaps your health routine. Overworking yourself isn't always necessary, so make sure to keep your balance.
Aquarius: A Year To Take Yourself More Seriously
Letting go was a big theme for you in 2019, whether it be because you were holding onto unnecessary resentments, or perhaps seeking the necessary closure. Whatever the case may be, 2020 will take you on a different journey and I'm pretty sure you'll be pleased in the long run. For starters, it will be a year of focusing on yourself and your individual truth. What brings you joy? What does your soul purpose consist of? Once Saturn enters your sign in December — where it will remain until 2023 — you'll be instantly greeted with a nice little reality check.
Pisces: A Year Of Tuning Into Your Soul Frequency
Are you ready to take over the world yet, Pisces? You've been focusing a lot on building your soul tribe and tapping into your creative genius; however, there are a few things you need to sort out before you can make your grand debut in this new era. For starters, it's important that you begin to reflect on your core values, not to mention the relationships you have with your family members. Lack of self-worth can be ancestral at times, but it's never to late to fix.