Here's Why Fans Are Convinced Olivia Wilde Is Directing A 'Spider-Woman' Movie
The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have traditionally been oversaturated with men, but it seems that is all about to change. Now more than ever, more women are at the center of Marvel films, and now, reports also say a prominent woman director will be helming an upcoming Marvel flick. Based on a very interesting tweet, fans are convinced Olivia Wilde will direct a Spider-Woman movie for Marvel. Fingers crossed these spidey senses are correct.
On Aug. 19, Deadline reported that Wilde had been tapped to direct an untitled female-centered movie with Sony Pictures. "While not confirmed, it is expected that the story will be centered on Spider-Woman," the article reported. It also reported several other woman would have executive roles in production, including Katie Silberman writing, Amy Pascal producing, and Rachel O’Connor executive producing the reported flick.
While there hasn't yet been an official announcement to confirm the movie is indeed about a Spider-Woman, Wilde's Twitter activity in repose to the Deadline article seemed enough to convince fans. Less than an hour after Deadline posted the article on Twitter, Wilde retweeted the tweet and added a spider emoji in response. While that might not technically be a confirmation, it seems like a solid hint.
If this turns out to be true, Wilde could completely revamp the Spider-Woman character for the film to suit a modern audience. Historically, the story of Spider-Woman dates back to a 1971 issue of Marvel Spotlight, in which Jessica Drew's father injected her with a spider-derived serum to save her after she developed a severe illness from longtime exposure to uranium that he was researching. The Spider-Woman character then became the alter-ego of several other characters in the Spider-Man universe — including Julia Carpenter, Mattie Franklin, Charlotte Witter, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, and Mayday Parker.
Although Wilde may be best known as an acclaimed actor, this rumored Spider-Woman movie wouldn't be the first time she's stepped behind the camera to direct. Wilde directed the female-focused film Booksmart in 2019, which received excellent reviews from fans and critics and earned many award nominations.
As of now, there's no official word from Sony or Wilde confirming the reports that she'll be behind a Spider-Woman film, but sometimes a picture (or spider emoji) is worth a thousand words.