This New Site Reveals What TV Shows Feature Alleged Sexual Predators & It's Heartbreaking
Not all that glitters is gold, and recent headlines about Hollywood's sexual misconduct allegations prove even the most seemingly glamorous industry isn't immune to horrific behavior. As accusations continue to pour in, fans are curious if their favorite hits will receive a similar fate to the likes of House of Cards and That '70s Show. Many are asking "What is Rotten Apples," and the new website reveals eye-opening information.
The premise behind Rotten Apples is straightforward: to tell viewers if their go-to shows and films feature people who have been accused of sexual misconduct. The site design is simple and features a logo and search box where users are prompted to type in movies or shows. Until the results are displayed, it's definitely a little nerve wracking.
Let's say you're curious about one show that has suffered from accusations of sexual misconduct. If you type in House of Cards, you're brought to a screen that features the cast and red letters stating "rotten apples." Once there, you'll see, "Cast: Kevin Spacey," which links to an article about the allegations against the actor. In response to his accuser Anthony Rapp, Spacey took to Twitter and said, "I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago. But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior."
Then there are those shows that feature "fresh apples" (which is written in green). Type in Broad City and you'll find yourself looking at Abbi and Ilana. Enter The Mindy Project and you'll immediately spot a photo of the Schulman and Associates crew. I personally breathed a sigh of relief knowing that some of my go-to Hulu binges haven't been affected by the disheartening situation plaguing Hollywood.
There are plenty examples of fresh apples, but even those shows who have the green light (or in this case the green writing) aren't totally immune. Rotten Apples is looking for its visitors to be on the lookout for information it quite possibly missed. The website states,
This TV show has no known affiliation to anyone with allegations of sexual misconduct against them. If you believe this is an error, please let us know by clicking here and we’ll fix it as soon as possible.
If you come across a show or a movie that possibly has been affected by sexual misconduct allegations, you're then prompted to type in your name and a link to an article proving your point. Again, the approach is simple, but effective. Unfortunately, this way of putting the issue into perspective shows how common it can be — and it's even more heartbreaking to think about the victims of the alleged attacks having suffered from what was supposed to be an entertaining, engaging outlet for fans and the people involved in the project.
Though most news outlets have taken a serious approach to the claims of misconduct, SNL has been forced — by the sheer nature of the program — to examine the topic in a different light. The late-night comedy show was once criticized for not addressing the issue in its skits, it had no choice but to tackle it after the face of NBC, Matt Lauer, was fired for allegations of sexual misconduct. He responded to these accusations and said — according to Variety — "There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry. As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC."
In early December, SNL featured one of its most talked-about skits of 2017: "Welcome to Hell." The digital short was a combination of pastels and Candy Land aesthetics, but the subject at hand was anything but playful. The Dec. 2 host Saoirse Ronan, along with Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant, Leslie Jones, and Melissa Villaseñor tackled what women experience on a regular basis — walking in groups, holding keys between fingers, and so on. "I guess it begs the question, 'Woah. Why didn't you say something baby girl?'" McKinnon said. "Well dang Double Daddy, we definitely did... for hundreds of years," Ronan replied. It was definitely an eye-opening skit, even if it looked slightly light-hearted.
Let's hope that we find more "fresh apples" than "rotten apples" and that this deplorable behavior comes to an end.