
This Fun New Feature Is Finally Coming To Your iPhone After Apple's Latest Unveiling

by Lizzy Rosenberg
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you're at all immersed in the world of technology (which, you probably are on some level, since millennials are tech-oriented AF), you've probably heard some talk about the latest haps at Apple. They're coming out with a new iPhone (there's reportedly going to be three of them!) and most recently, they launched a sick new feature called Memoji. And even though you probably think your tech skills are off the charts, you're probably curious as to what Memoji is. Don't worry though — you're definitely not alone.

In case you didn't already know, Apple’s iOS 12 was announced in June of 2018 in beta, and it comes with a glorious new feature called Memoji. If you've ever heard of Animoji, which debuted on the iPhone X last year, it's essentially the same thing, but the Memoji shows you as an actual person instead of an animal. As a user, you can design your own Memojis to look just like you (yes, kind of like a Wii mii or Bitmoji), and then you can talk through it and make silly faces to send videos to all your friends and family. Using it is pretty simple, but you're going to need an iPhone X (or newer) that runs iOS 12. Once you have one, though, you can start using Memoji.

Using Memoji is incredibly easy, but first, you'll have to make sure your phone is totally updated to iOS 12. Apple announced during the keynote on Sept. 12 that iOS 12 will be available on Sept. 17. Once you're sure it's completely up-to-date, you'll have to open iMessage, tap on the Animoji icon, and scroll all the way to the left. Then, you'll tap on "new Memoji," which will launch the Memoji maker. From there, you'll be able to pick your skin tone, hairstyle, eye color, head shape, nose, and lips. You even add anything extra, from freckles, to a beard, earrings, hats, and even sunglasses. Once your look is totally on-point, you can dress yourself in practically anything. The choice is all yours.

Once your Memoji looks exactly like your cartoonized clone, you'll be able to send it to all your friends via iMessage, according to The Verge. To do so, you'll just have to go to the Amimoji app in iMessage, and swipe to your Memoji. It'll mirror your facial expressions, and it'll talk as you talk. Just press the red record button and create your desired content in 30 seconds or less. Review it, and send to your friends. You can even send it to Android users (holla!) but it'll send as a video message. The best part is, if you like the video enough, you can save the file to post it elsewhere. Who knows — it could be the next viral video.

Classic Apple getting super innovative and personal, right?, They've finally found out how to essentially create a talk-as-you-talk Wii for iMessage, and it's totally changing the game. As an Android user, I'm having some major FOMO right now, but not to worry — AR Emojis are pretty darn similar.