
"Light" Avocados Are A Thing, & C'mon, Do We Really Need Diet Avocados?

by Macy Daniela Martin

Since avocados have evolved into a mainstream food staple, people across the world have been experimenting with new ways to use the versatile fruit. From toasts to smoothies, avocados' smooth and creamy texture complements just about anything. They're perfect. And yet, Spanish fruit company Eurobanan’s Isla Bonita has decided to create a "diet" version. What are diet avocados, you ask? Known as Avocado Light, they have 30 percent less fat and fewer calories than your average avo. Consider my interest piqued.

It should be noted that, when consumed and Instagrammed within reason, regular avocados are healthy and good for you. While I don't agree that a "diet" version — at least one that's marketed that way — is a totally necessary addition to the fruit aisle, you have to give Isla Bonita credit for all the research it took to develop the low-cal food.

How Is Avocado Light "Light"?

According to an Oct. 5 press release posted on FreshPlaza, Isla Bonita analyzed 32 kinds of avocados across six countries in order to discover which ones were naturally lower in calories and fat. Ramón Rey, the brand's director of international and marketing, elaborated on the findings in a statement. He said,

As fruit and vegetable experts, we know that there are countries whose avocados are different because of their race, variety and climatic conditions. Those avocados, which are common for those countries, have some very attractive nutritional characteristics that respond to these demands. Light Avocados are naturally grown in very specific climates of certain tropical areas, close to Ecuador, in Central America and in South America.

Shoutout to Latin America for growing the lightest avocados. If not for Isla Bonita's ultra-detailed research, I don't think I would've known much about my avocados beyond the fact that there are small black ones and big green ones and they're all very expensive where I live in New York City. Now I know there are at least 32 varieties around the world, which might be more mind-blowing than the Avocado Light's existence.

To verify its "Light" claim, Isla Bonita "[subjects] avocados to exhaustive analyses carried out by independent laboratories," Rey said. It seems they're legitimate, too, because per, the Spanish Hearth Foundation’s Food Health Program has certified Avocado Light's reduced-fat status. However, Rey reiterated, it is still "rich in monounsaturated fats. The difference is that it has 30 percent less."

What Does It Taste Like?

Diet-friendliness aside, the flavor and texture of Isla Bonita's revolutionary food baby is described as "juicier and lighter" and great for things like smoothies and cold soups.

Where Will It Be Available?

For now, Avocado Light is exclusive to Spain. The innovative product will be on shelves at select local retailers almost year-round and new vendors will be announced soon.

As for what else Isla Bonita has in store for avocado lovers, Rey finished his statement with a nod to the brand's core values. "Innovation is part of our brand philosophy," he said. "Consumer trends are increasingly focused not only on healthy products, but also on an increasingly personalized supply." So, will the company make a "diet" version of another popular fruit or vegetable? Only time will tell. Personally, I'd totally buy a diet potato or a diet coconut. Both are already considered relatively healthy, but if we're doing this diet thing, I say let's go (coco)nuts.

Regardless of my personal views on Avocado Light, I will not even be able to taste it here in New York. Citizens of Spain, if you're reading this, please let me know how the Avocado Light compares to the regular two for $5 ones I get here. Thank you.