Trump & Biden Had Very Different Messages About Election Night Ending Without An Answer
As election night comes to a close with a large amount of uncertainty still lingering in the air, many Americans are becoming increasingly anxious over the fate of the country's highest office for the next four years. Although many political observers are saying the election is too early to call, incumbent President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden have a lot to say about the current results. Trump and Biden's messages about election night ending without an answer are so different, and say so much about their current positions in the presidential race.
As election night wore on during Nov. 3, it became increasingly clear there would be no final result available that night. At 12:45 a.m. ET on Nov. 4, Biden issued an in-person statement at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware, to reassure Americans in light of the fact that everyone was still waiting for the election results.
"Your patience is commendable. We knew this was gonna go long, but who knew this was going to go into tomorrow morning, maybe even longer," Biden said. He added that he believed they were on track to win the election. "It ain't over until every ballot is counted," he added. While votes are still being counted in key battleground states such as Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Michigan, current results show a tight race between Biden and incumbent President Donald Trump. Democrats were hoping for a landslide "blue wave" election, however, it seems like it'll take longer than expected for states to call their final results, as only a fraction of early votes have been accounted for.
At the same time that Biden left the stage, Trump released a very on-brand statement via Twitter. "We are up BIG," he wrote, adding without any evidence that "they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!" Over the course of his presidency, Trump has continually and falsely denounced the legitimacy of America's democratic systems, citing rampant voter fraud as the main reason for a potential loss in the 2020 election. There has been no evidence that the president's claims are true, and in September, Trump's own FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that the FBI had seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Twitter quickly added a disclaimer to Trump's tweet, hiding it from view and adding a note that information in the tweet may be "misleading."
Biden issued a counter-statement to the president's tweet, reassuring Americans to maintain their faith in the electoral process by saying: "It's not my place or Donald Trump's place to declare the winner of this election. It's the voters' place."
As of shortly before 2 a.m. ET on Nov. 4, multiple states had still not been called for either candidate. Voters may have to wait several days in order to find out who actually won the election.