You & Your Mom Might Have Something Big In Common Politically, Says This New Poll
With all the hot-button issues swirling around the news, the contentious Trump administration and the Nov. 6 midterm elections quickly approaching, like, everyone is in panic mode. No, seriously — this poll on millennial vs. baby boomer voters says that the two groups are “fearful about the future of democracy in America" and believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction. In case you need to see it to believe it, keep on reading (and then prepare to head to the polls with your folks).
When asked to rank the importance of 18 issues facing the country, the top issues among women in the millennial and baby boomer generation were many that have triggered widespread worries already. The survey found that both millennials and baby boomers ranked "honesty in government" as their number-one political issue.
But when the results are broken down by women, there are some startling results. According to the study, 94 percent of millennial women ranked jobs and the economy, access to quality education and honesty in government as the most important issues in the U.S. Meanwhile, 98 percent of female baby boomers said the same. But if women have to pick just one issue that's most important? That's where the lines are drawn. Social Security was the most highly ranked issue for baby boomer women, while millennial women said that health care — surprise! — was more important. (Everyone still agreed that jobs and the economy were important, though.)
The findings are a part of a national survey of 4,862 Americans across three generations (millennials, Generation X, and baby boomers) that was released on Oct. 16 by AARP and the Association of Young Americans (AYA).
The reasons for the widespread fear of the future seem to have a lot to do with the performance of President Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress, and Democrats in Congress. Overall, 58 percent of the subjects across generations said they disapprove of the job the president has done, with millennials most likely to dislike the president's work. But that comes with a troubling side-note: only 55 percent of millennials said they were "very likely" to vote in the 2018 midterms, compared to 83 percent of baby boomers. While midterm elections generally have low voter turnout, that's still a depressing statistic given the different priorities of the millennial and boomer generations.
In a press release, AYA founder Ben Brown expressed the importance of voting, urging young Americans to understand that their votes count and to get politically active. He explained:
We want Americans to really understand that their votes count. Association of Young Americans particularly wants to see more Millennials vote, but not just be politically active on Election Day, but every day, because the data shows that they're fearful for our democracy and find honesty in government the number one issue.
Judging by this report, it looks like they already understand and are, hopefully, ready to let their voices be heard at the ballot box. Maybe voting can be a family bonding moment?