This 2016 Video Of Donald Trump & Ben Carson Dancing To A "Stand By Me" Cover Is A Lot
Every once in a while, a video resurfaces that helps put a humorous spin on the dark and confusing political period that is 2018, and it's a welcome distraction. On Friday, Nov. 23, one such video — taken while President Donald Trump was on the campaign trail in Florida — started making the rounds online, and people can't stop talking about how undeniably cringey it is. TBH, this March 2016 video of Donald Trump and Ben Carson dancing to a version of "Stand By Me" is a lot, and it's making the Twitterverse so uncomfortable.
On Friday, Nov. 23, Twitter users unearthed the 2016 clip, which quickly went viral once again due to its potent combination of comedy and cringe. The video, which was shot during a Republican campaign rally in Palm Beach County in Florida back in March 2016, per Esquire, is just as awkward watching it the second time as the first time because of how incredibly uncomfortable the participants look. As one Twitter user wrote: "Trump and Ben Carson bopping along to changed lyrics to 'Stand By Me' is something I need to see in approximately never again."
In the video, Ben Carson and then-Presidential candidate Trump are invited back on stage, at which point an announcer says, "Mr. Trump said we had to unify the party. Let's do it."
That's when a singer (whom many are describing as a mix of Owen Wilson and Keith Urban) appears on stage for a twangy rendition of Ben E. King's "Stand By Me" — except this time, the classic tune has been changed to "Stand By You," and the crowd is singing the lyrics directly to Trump.
President Trump starts swaying from side to the side to the rhythm while Carson claps along on the sidelines, and I don't know who looks more uncomfortable as the singer — who's really getting down with the dance moves at this point — serenades Trump with his new, totally cringe-worthy chorus: "So Donald, Donald, stand by me." Elite Daily reached out to the White House for any further comment on the video or fundraiser, but did not hear back at the time of publication.
"Come on!" the singer coaxes the crowd, at which point, everyone — including Trump — hesitantly breaks out singing along to the altered chorus. There's still a few minutes left of the song at this point, and it continues to go downhill as the singer instructs the group to put their hands together "for unity" and puts his own personalized spin on the "Stand By Me" lyrics, singing "It don't matter what Hillary does."
President Trump and Carson, who are awkwardly bobbing their heads at this point, couldn't look more relieved as they finally are allowed to leave the stage. Needless to say, the Twitterverse is having a field day seeing the video again, because it's just that uncomfortable to watch.
People on both sides of the political spectrum are chiming in on the 2016 video, and reactions range from "Is this real?" to "What is happening?" because the whole experience is so surreal, and the memes are rolling in. It's a lot, so prepare to experience a mix of disbelief, horror, discomfort, and then full-out laughter (if you're able to make it to the end) during the course of the clip.