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If You're One Of These Signs, Things Won't Be Easy During The New Moon In Virgo

by Roya Backlund

Even though I just so happen to be the biggest fan of new moons, I have to admit that not all new moons are created equally. The experience largely depends on the sector of your birth chart that a new moon is affecting. Even though new moons arrive to help you wipe the slate clean and start fresh, it's often easier said than done. Sometimes it requires you to let go of something that once meant a lot to you or begin a project you're feeling resistant to. However, though life is full of obstacles, the hardest obstacles are often the most satisfying to overcome. Keep this in mind when I say these zodiac signs will have the worst new moon in Virgo 2019, because no matter what happens, you're growing stronger by the minute.

If you were born with your sun or rising sign in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, this new moon could be an emotional one. Taking place on Aug. 30 at 6:37 a.m. ET, this one packs a real punch, and because it's influencing the more sensitive areas of life for these zodiac signs, it's bound to be an intense and possibly even tumultuous experience. But don't let that news bring you down because you've got plenty of aid from the universe to help you get through it. With the new moon forming a conjunction to Mercury, Mars, and Venus, you've got all the planets joining forces instead of fighting each other off. This new moon is also forming a trine with revolutionary Uranus and karmic Saturn. This will give you the courage to try something totally different and embrace heavy changes in the right direction.


Gemini: You're Experiencing An Emotional Shift At Home

This new moon is putting you in the center of your heart and asking you to take care of yourself emotionally. Landing in your fourth house of home and family, this new moon is about mending your close-knit relationships and creating a home environment that makes you feel safe and secure.

Whenever a planet hits the fourth house, it inevitably stirs up some pretty intense feelings and sensitivities. If you're not receiving the comfort you need, you might feel even more vulnerable than you were expecting. Make sure you're spending time with your emotional center and giving yourself what you need.

Libra: You're Going Through Some Very Personal Changes

You might feel isolated under this new moon because it takes place in your 12th house of the subconscious. The 12th house has to do with who you are when you're alone. It's the part of you that nobody will ever truly understand. This energy could have you grappling with secrets or reliving certain traumas. Even though you feel alone, remember you definitely aren't.

This new moon is the perfect time to begin a therapeutic program or start talking to a counselor. It's even a great time to simply talk to loved ones you trust about what you're going through.

Aquarius: You're Starting Over After Overcoming Difficulty

With a new moon landing in your eighth house of death and rebirth, the word "intensity" comes to mind. Your focus is penetrating and very serious, so no matter what issues come up for you, they'll likely feel very dramatic or somber by nature. This is because the eighth house is about transformation. In order to grow, you must be put through the wringer. Trust that the pain is only temporary.

This new moon is also a beautiful time to pay off debts, both emotional and financial. Set yourself free from any attachments from the past.