These Tweets About The Delaware Earthquake Show That The Internet's Literally So Shook
Hold onto your butts: A 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck Delaware today, Nov. 30. The epicenter was near Dover, Delaware, and people reportedly felt tremors from Connecticut to Virginia. And, as it was a relatively mild earthquake, Twitter is already joking about the earthquake — and the tweets about the Delaware earthquake are amazing. You could even say people were shook. (I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry.)
The Associated Press reports that the quake struck just after 4:45 p.m. ET. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) says it was centered 6 miles North-Northeast of Dover, the capital of Delaware, but tremors were felt from as far north as Connecticut to as far south as Virginia. Per ABC News, the earthquake was initially recorded as a 5.1 magnitude, but the USGS revised that to 4.4 then to 4.1.
USGS geophysicist Paul Caruso told the AP that he doesn't expect significant damage from the quake, so that's a positive. But the quake reached a large population — a couple million at least. And while it was technically centered in Delaware, that's such a teeny-tiny state that some are already calling it the Philly Earthquake.
And, no offense Delaware, but you're basically one big Philly suburb with some malls and pharmaceutical companies.
Just for clarification, it was centered here:
Anyways, rivalry with fellow underloved Philly suburbs aside, the quake had a very extensive reach, the map of which New York Times's Eric Lipton posted to Twitter.
Thankfully, there have thus far been no reports of damage or injuries.
And with so many people having experienced the big Delaware Quake of '17 sans damage, that also means Twitter jokes! So, so many Twitter jokes.
Hometown hero Questlove checked in on Philly:
Some reported feeling heavy tremors in Washington, D.C.
But others, uh, didn't.
Some people are actually mad that they missed the quake.
Even Ohio got in on the fun.
Then, y'know, there were the inevitable political tweets.
And as funny as they are, don't stress me out so much, guys, OK?! Seriously, some of these are very real scenarios.
This one is most likely a reference to the impending tax reform vote, which, you know, fair.
What are near misses for but to remind you of your mortality?
And, of course, L.A. is making fun of the East Coast's reaction.
But, in all fairness, the mid-Atlantic isn't situated on top of several fault lines, so it's not their fault slight tremors freaked them out. It wasn't just a sneeze, Keith Olbermann. I mean, yes, according to the earthquake magnitude scale, this quake was literally a light quake, but how often do earthquakes occur on the East Coast?
The last time an earthquake hit the East Coast was 2011, when a 5.8 magnitude quake was centered in Virginia. Per The Washington Post, that quake damaged some buildings — including the Washington Monument. It was relatively tame, but it still caused an uproar, due to the rarity of East Coast earthquakes.
In fact, according to Forbes, the East Coast is 100 times less seismically active than California. So go on, you Philly dirtbags and you D.C. political aides and you New York minuters: go on and enjoy the thrill of flirting with death.
And anyways, given that no one was hurt and nothing was damaged, it's just a little fun. What with a looming vote on tax reform, the possibility of a government shutdown, a president who retweets xenophobic videos, oh, and the threat of nuclear war, we could really, really use this. Like, a lot.
Suprisingly, I have yet to see one "I'm so shook" joke. I'm proud of you, guys.