
These Tweets About The Constitution Being "Banksy-ed" After Kavanaugh's Confirmation Are A Lot

by Lizzy Rosenberg
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images News/Getty Images

It's been quite an emotional week for people who watched the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Given that there was a supplemental FBI background check following Christine Blasey Ford's allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh (allegations that he categorically denies), the mood around this nominee was quite tense. Even so, the Oct. 6 vote in the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In the aftermath, a doctored picture of the U.S. Constitution shredding itself (in a nod to Banksy's "Girl With Balloon" self-destructing after it was sold) made its way around the internet. So, if you haven't already seen these tweets about the Constitution being shredded after Kavanaugh's confirmation, they're kind of a lot.

On Saturday, Oct. 6, Facebook group George Takei Fan World posted a doctored picture of the Constitution sliding out of its frame, totally shredding itself as it fell out. Not only is it a nod to how people feel about the current state of U.S. politics, but it also plays on Banksy’s "Girl With Balloon" self-shredding after it was sold at auction for over $1 million in London on Friday, Oct. 5. In the Banksy-est of pranks, the sale was made official, just before an alarm started going off. The painting started lowering through its frame, shredding into several pieces. Auction attendees were totally shocked. The rendition of the moment with a self-shredding U.S. Constitution basically one-ups its destruction, with an even bigger political statement. Check out the two shredded works below. They're kind of jaw-dropping.

First, this happened...

... and then this happened (well, kind of). Coincidence? Definitely not.

Anyway, as you would probably imagine, the highly-opinionated Twitterverse had a lot to say about the doctored photo of the U.S. Constitution shredding itself. It's a pretty wild sight to see, and, obviously, it's incredibly relevant to everything that's happened in the realm of U.S. politics this past week. Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice has upset many people who didn't believe that the nomination process or the supplemental FBI investigation were adequately carried out. Per CNN, the supplemental investigation into sexual assault allegations was "limited in scope" from the jump. It was even reported that Ford and Kavanaugh weren't on the interview lists. Elite Daily reached out to the FBI and the White House for comment on that report, but did not hear back at the time of publication.

So, it makes sense as to why someone would have made this photo of a shredded U.S. Constitution. See their responses, below.

Some in the vast world of Twitter had even predicted the Constitution would self-combust, before the doctored photo made it's way around the web.

It's safe to say that the 50-48 confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court felt like a blow to many people. Many of the responses to Kavanaugh's win are urging citizens to vote. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer; Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY's List; the official Democrat Twitter account; Every Town For Gun Safety; and NARAL Pro-Choice America President, Ilyse Hogue, have all spoken out, encouraging the American population to cast their vote in the November midterm elections.

In the end, Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court seems to feel like a step back for many people, and the doctored photo of the U.S. Constitution self-shredding is symbolic of that. These are trying times, but the message to people unhappy with Kavanaugh's confirmation is clear: vote.