These Tweets About Hannah’s Parents On 'The Bachelorette' Are Accurate AF
Hannah's season of The Bachelorette is about to come to a close. But it wouldn't be The Bachelorette without a little bit (read: a lot) of drama thrown in at the very end. After Luke P. was eliminated, then crashed Hannah's Rose Ceremony, and then once again forced to leave, Hannah was understandably feeling pretty stressed. It makes sense that she was having a hard time figuring out which of the guys left is the one for her. With such a tough decision to make, Hannah turned to her parents, Sue and Robert, to help her out. Hannah's parents made the trip to Crete, Greece, to provide some support for their daughter, and they brought a lot of opinions with them. These tweets about Hannah's parents on The Bachelorette show that they were the real stars of part one of Hannah's finale.
Hannah went into her final week feeling unsure about who, between Jed and Tyler, is her Mr. Right. Her family arrived in Crete to help her figure it out, but Hannah was still lacking some clarity. "It makes it really hard because now I'm confused. I don't want to make the wrong decision," Hannah said.
But before there were any tears or introductions to Hannah's guys, Bachelor Nation had some thoughts about Hannah's parents.
Then, it was time for Hannah's parents to meet Tyler. Hannah's mom said that she thought Hannah glows around Tyler, but that she wanted to make sure that they have a relationship where they help each other grow. She talked to Tyler and said that she was blown away by him. Hannah's dad was equally impressed and said that he seemed like "the real deal."
Hannah told her mom that she could see herself getting engaged to Tyler and that she could see him joining their family. After that parent meeting, it seemed like Hannah could just pick Tyler and call it a day. But, the family still needed to meet Jed.
Right before Hannah introduced Jed to her parents, she said that she was feeling anxious. But, Hannah's parents were tough to please after their near-perfect meeting with Tyler. "I'm trying to give him a fair shot, but yesterday the bar was high," Hannah's mom said.
Hannah's parents were a little worried about Jed's career as a musician and his ability to provide for Hannah.
Hannah's mom expressed her concerns about Jed to Hannah, saying, "I want somebody that will love you like I know you should be loved."
When Hannah talked to her dad about his meeting with Jed, her dad expressed concerns about Jed's career. Hannah responded, "I, of course, want my husband to be able to provide for me but I also know that I'm going to be successful and be able to provide for my family, too."
Hannah made a really good point that she will be able to support her family, too, but her dad still was worried about Jed. "I want to make sure that you don't settle," her dad said.
Hannah's conversations with her parents left her feeling confused about her decision. She said that she was worried that at the end of everything, after she's made a decision, she still won't be able to let go of the other person. It turns out that Hannah's parents brought even more doubt and fear into the equation, making it even more difficult to decide who should get her Final Rose.
Season 15 of The Bachelorette concludes with the second part of the finale at 8 p.m. ET on Tuesday, July 30 on ABC.