Arie Dumped Becca After His 'Bachelor' Proposal & The Tweets Are So, So Brutal
Every year, The Bachelor always promises to have a ~dramatic~ finale. And every year, the plot of the finale is nearly the same as its predecessors in that the promised "drama" is really just three hours worth of drawn-out conversations that could've been condensed to one hour. But this year's Bachelor finale has legitimately been dramatic: Arie decided to break up with Becca just weeks after he proposed. The tweets about Arie dumping Becca after The Bachelor prove just how pissed Bachelor Nation is, and guys, they ain't happy!!
Becca Kufrin made it clear coming into the season finale that she was super worried she wasn't going to win. In a clip from the finale posted by E!, Kufrin said she was nervous about the home visit with Arie's family and saw Lauren Burnham as a "huge threat," making it clear just how up in the air she thought her fate on this show was. “I was very nervous going into meeting his family," she said. "But I know that they notice the differences between Lauren and I — they called that out. At this point, I just want some clarity on where he stands.” She added later on that she viewed Lauren Burnham as a "huge threat." "This entire process Arie keeps saying that I seem so confident," she said. "But the fact is I internally am freaking out because there's one other girl here still and she is a huge threat to me."
Fans are pissed at how the finale turned out.
Yeah, sure, these tweets are brutal, but they are also right on freaking point. The guy essentially pulled a Jason Mesnick, and by essentially, I mean that's what he literally did. In the unedited footage the show aired, Arie said he was still thinking about Lauren Burnham throughout the time they had been engaged (not a long period of time, mind you). He told Becca he wanted to break up with her in order to see if there's still a possibility he could be with Lauren. He tried to be as kind as he could when he broke up with Becca, but f*ck this guy for real. Chris Harrison was right at the beginning of the finale when he said that Arie Luyendyk Jr. was about to become the most controversial Bachelor ever.
Twitter hates this guy.
But fans hate the fact that ABC filmed this and decided to air it even more. Even a former Bachelor (Sean Lowe) thinks so. (Notably, Sean Lowe is the only Bachelor to actually marry the woman he gave his final rose to.)
Fans think it is very, very messed up for ABC to air this breakup. Becca was clearly completely blindsided by Arie's choice and was definitely not ready to be dumped on camera when the production crew showed up that day. It's hard to see this unedited footage as anything but an attempt to boost ratings for the show, and Harrison drove that point home throughout the episode by repeatedly saying the show was going to show completely unedited footage for the first time in reality TV history. Uh, yeah, cool, Chris! Fans love this! It's totally not harmful to poor Becca to have this aired for the whole world to see!
For some reason that escapes me completely, Becca made an appearance on the finale after ABC finished airing the unedited footage of her breakup with Arie. The episode ran out of airtime, though (yeah, ABC decided to let that unedited footage run on forever), so the Tuesday, March 6, episode is apparently going to feature Arie and Becca reuniting for the first time since he broke off their engagement. Can't freaking wait to see that.