These Hilarious Memes About Taxes Are Here To Help You Through The Season

by Daniella Bondar
Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

It's all cool during the year when you have enough money for some avocado toast and new sunnies. But then the months start rolling and you know that the worst is coming: tax season. The thought of having to be an adult and do your taxes is not at all fun. But don't worry, as usual the Internet has come through for us. These memes about tax season are sure to make the grueling process just a tiny bit easier... at least for a few minutes.

The one thing most of us can agree on is that taxes are not very glamorous. There are all these forms that are supposedly different, but look identical. Then there's the fact that you realized that saving all your wine receipts does not actually count as being responsible and that's not how taxes work (trust me, I've tried).

The deadline to file your taxes is Tuesday, April 17, and going at it on your own can be kind of tough. Sometimes, it's just good to know that when facing the nightmare that is tax season, there are others out there who are commiserating with you. So look no further than the internet. These memes have really helped me through this tough time, so allow me to share the gift of laughter with you. You can thank me later.

First off, a little inspiration from the children of our future.

claudelisr on Twitter

Let Victory Baby inspire you to stand strong. You will get through this. Everything will be okay. Tax season will be over before you know it, and in the words of Victory Baby, "stay strong," fam.

Andy Dwyer always knows exactly what you're going through.

tritontaxgroup on Twitter

We hear ya, Andy. Sometimes asking for help is hard. Especially if you are in your twenties, living on your own, and told your parents you filed weeks ago because you are "adulting so hard." But, if you do need help, don't be afraid to ask someone, just ask the internet. Fun fact: you can go to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website and they will answer your questions about almost anything. So grab some wine, and read through it!

This Trump meme is very versatile and can be used in almost any situation.

kathleenbaer1 on Twitter

This is just so applicable to the facade of adulthood. Here let me list the times in which this meme totally works: taxes (got that covered), insurance (because what the heck is all that about), budgeting, checks, finances in general, organizing my closet, laundry, the new Snapchat update, buying wedding gifts, having normal everyday conversations... I'll just stop here. Feel free to continue without me.

Homer Simpson has been my accountant for years, is that wrong?

memeadikt on Twitter

I don't know about you, but Homer's plan seems pretty legit to me (if the IRS comes knocking on your door, I was never here).

Sometimes all you need is a good vocabulary lesson.

thenerdyblogger on Twitter

"T*xes" is the most vulgar word I can think of at any given moment.

I mean, are pets not your children?

banyaninsurance on Twitter

Little fun fact, did you know that pets aren't considered dependents? I mean, that's just insane. They do rely on you to live, seems pretty cut and dry to me. So now pets literally only serve one purpose: cute Instagram photos. Ok, and I guess love and affection. But who needs love when tax season is here and you desperately need some cash back? Is Captain Snuggles going to pay the rent?

So yes, tax season is not fun — especially if you don't foresee getting any money back — but memes of the internet are always here to get you through. Remember that, and good luck.