September Will Be The Worst For These 3 Signs, But Not For Long
Alexa, play "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day. Nothing against the fall, because I dig the aesthetics and all, but there's something gloomy about September. The ones who'll understand that the most are these zodiac signs, because they'll have the worst September 2019: Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
This month will start off on a pretty relaxed note for most. However, that won't last very long, especially with September's supercharged full moon, which is pretty much equivalent to the opening of Pandora's box. Sitting alongside its elusive planetary ruler Neptune, a powerful full moon will illuminate the night sky on Sept. 14 at 12:33 a.m. ET in the mystical sign of Pisces. What's interesting about this lunation is, Jupiter — Pisces' traditional ruler — will be making a tight square to Neptune. Squares are typically challenging because they force us to take action. Although, I must say, seeing both of Pisces' planetary rulers, Neptune and Jupiter, at odds already speaks volumes.
Mercury and Venus both enter Libra that same day as well, so it's safe to say the beginning of September is the calm before the storm.
With that said, here's what's in store for Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces this month:
Cancer: You're More Emotional Than Usual
Take a deep breath, Cancer. The first half of the month won't be nearly as challenging as the second. The sun, Mercury, and Venus will be shaking up your domestic fourth house of home and innermost feelings for the majority of the month, so you might suddenly start second-guessing your intuition. However, I highly suggest you continue following your gut. Also, the full moon might seem a bit cloudy — in terms of the bigger picture and your personal philosophy — but this, too, shall pass.
Sagittarius: You're Feeling Restless AF
Get to work, Sagittarius. The month kicks off with a lot of emphasis on your professional life, but things get a tad bit lighter once Libra season rolls around. Although, there's no denying the stress stemming from the challenging Jupiter-Neptune square. After all, Jupiter is your ruling planet, remember? This energy will continue to heighten throughout the month and will likely peak during the full moon phase, so make sure to take it easy. Be gentle with yourself. Besides, Neptune can be a bit hazy, so don't jump to conclusions just yet.
Pisces: You're Keeping To Yourself More
You're an enigma, Pisces. This is especially true during Libra season, considering the sun will be activating your sultry eighth house of sex, intimate unions, joint ventures, and transformation. This area of your chart also has to do with your partner's finances, so all things related to your personal life will be prominent during this time. However, thanks to the full moon build-up, you'll likely be feeling more anxious than usual throughout the month. Themes related to your sense of self and professional life will also keep you guessing, but don't stress. If anything, the soul searching is part of the process. Surrender and bask under the Neptune moonlight.