These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best December & Their Bells Are Ringing
December is here, and I don't know about you, but I couldn't be happier. Which reminds me, these three zodiac signs will have the best December 2018, and I know for a fact, they're ready to party: Leo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Although, at this point, who wouldn't? I say this time and time again, and I'm not taking it back: 2018 will never be forgotten, and not in a good way. Although, if there's anything this year has taught us, it's the meaning of faith. Fact is, a lot of us were reminded of our strength this year, and sometimes, it takes something challenging, to ultimately push us out of our comfort zone.
Personally, I don't mind change. I'm not against it; however, I'm not one to initiate it either. Which makes me think, maybe I'm not a fan of change, after all? Nevertheless, I've noticed how big life changes seem to come out of nowhere at times, and we are given no choice but to surrender, and live in the now. Think about it, if it wasn't for the universe presenting us with unexpected challenges every now and then, where would you be right now? It's funny, sometimes the worst thing that happened to you, is also the best thing that could've happened to you, too.
Anyway, December kicks off with Mercury retrograde sliding back into Scorpio, just a day before Venus enters the same sign. Luckily for us, Mercury stations direct on Dec. 6, just in time for the new moon in Sagittarius the following day. Chiron, the wounded healer, also stations direct on Dec. 9, and Mercury leaves the underworld for good, and enters Sagittarius on Dec. 12. I don't know about you, but December is looking real good, stargazers. We're in desperate need of this positive energy flow. The sun enters Capricorn on Dec. 21, just a day before the full moon in Cancer, and Mars enters its home sign Aries on the night of New Year's Eve. Halleluyer!
Anyhoo, here's what's in store for Leo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn this month:
Leo: You're On Another Level Of Joy
You're on another level this season, Leo. Imagine, with the sun, Mercury, and Jupiter skydiving through adventurous Sagittarius, and your fifth house of romance and creative expression, it's safe to say, you're on a cosmic high. New love? New project in the works? You're on fire, and there's no getting in your way this month. So, make the best of it. Remember, Jupiter is traveling through your sister sign Sagittarius, so you best believe you will get a glimpse of its blessings. You deserve it, anyway.
Sagittarius: You're In The Mood To Celebrate
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Sagittarius, happy birthday to you! How's your solar revolution going? This is the beginning of a new era for you, and fact is, you're already celebrating. As of right now, Mercury is retrograde in your sign, but no for long, as it enters Scorpio on Dec. 1, and goes direct on Dec. 6. On another note, however, your lucky ruling planet Jupiter is busy AF, sprinkling its abundant charms and blessings, as it is currently traveling through your sign for the next 13 months. Bon voyage!
Capricorn: You're Ready To Slay Your Solar Return
Oh, Capricorn. You're finally starting to feel like yourself again. With your solar return around the corner, I suggest you rest up, and mentally prepare for all the blessings coming your way. Besides, with lucky Jupiter traveling through your spiritual twelfth house of dreams, closure, and subconscious mind, you're due for a massive reboot. Compliments of the cosmos, of course. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy the holiday season. Winter is coming, and you know that better than anyone.