The 'Watchmen' Season 1, Episode 3 Promo Introduces A New Major Character
Watchmen's second episode, "Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship," did an excellent job of filling in the blanks for viewers who were left puzzled by the premiere. It also contained several giant twists no one saw coming. There was the revelation the late Chief Judd Crawford had literal klan robes hidden in his closet, as well as William Reeves' startling exit via what looked for all the world like an alien spaceship. The Watchmen Season 1, Episode 3 promo doesn't promise answers to either of these mysteries, but it does put a new face on the case. Warning: Spoilers for HBO's Watchmen follow.
The next episode has the vaguely threatening title of "She Was Killed by Space Junk." But though some might assume the "she" of the title is Angela, there's a new sheriff in town, and she seems a far more likely target. Check out the synopsis:
Following a late-night visit from the senator who authored Masked Policing Legislation in Oklahoma, FBI agent Laurie Blake (Jean Smart) heads to Tulsa to take over the recent murder investigation. The Lord of The Manor receives a harshly worded letter and responds accordingly.
This week's promo also focuses on FBI Special Agent Blake's arrival on the scene. Check it out:
The senator in question is Senator Joe Keene, who viewers met in Episode 2 at the wake for Chief Crawford. From the sounds of the synopsis, he will be responsible for bringing in the first confirmed character from the original Watchmen comics, Laurie.
In the comics, Laurie's last name is Juspeczyk, and she's the daughter of the original Silk Spectre. With her mother now retired, she'd taken up the mantle, as Silk Spectre II. She also was dating Doctor Manhattan, but their relationship abruptly ends when accusations of Manhattan being carcinogenic cause him to relocate to Mars. Meanwhile, Laurie learned the deceased superhero, Eddie Blake, known as the Comedian, is her biological father.
With Laurie's arrival on the scene, fans now have something of an idea of what happened to her over the intervening thirty years. The change of her last name to Blake, and calling herself "The Comedienne," shows that she spent time honoring her father. But since then, things have changed.
Laurie could be doing a deep cover between her regular persona and a superhero one. But more likely this move into the FBI is a reaction against superheroes, especially since the backstory info released by HBO hints that she's part of an Anti-Superhero Task Force. But the trailer also suggests she hasn't forgotten her friends, as the final clip shows her in one of the "Contact Doctor Manhattan" booths, making a late-night call to her ex-lover.
Meanwhile, what is up with the "Lord of the Manor?" Viewers now know that his army of servants are clones. Whatever the antagonizing letter he's received is, it's a good chance he'll be taking it out on poor Mr. Phillips and Ms. Crookshanks, who will probably respond to his new torture with eager to please smiles. Poor things.