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The Spiritual Meaning Of The Hunter Moon Is About Fearlessly Taking Action

by Valerie Mesa
Originally Published: 

There's a powerful full moon headed your way, and you'd be surprised to learn about both its astrological and spiritual symbolism. Full moons are celebratory moons, and this is partly due to the emotional validation that comes with it. The spiritual meaning of the 2019 Hunter Moon is just as symbolic, with the exception that there will be a lot of celestial tension brewing in the sky during this time. Remember, full moons bring culminations because they can bring endings or beginnings. This, of course, could go either way, depending on how much you're willing to surrender.

Balance is most certainly a theme during this lunation, especially with both the sun and Mars sitting in justice-seeking Libra. However, whenever there's a full moon, the sun directly opposes the moon, which means the moon will be in warrior-like Aries. Despite their astrological polarities, both of these cardinal signs are natural-born leaders. That means this Mars-ruled lunation is all about taking the necessary action. What needs changing in your relationships? Where have you been too reluctant to taking action? Resisting change isn't suggested, but even then, it's not going to make a difference.


The moon will reach its peak in the audacious sign of Aries. Sitting opposite of justice-seeking Libra, the essence of hot-headed Aries revolves around one's authenticity and sense of self. Remember, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and with good reason. Its leadership qualities are inevitably admirable, but its innate fearlessness stems from its ruling planet, Mars. Go-getter Aries goes to war, and full moons bring things to the light.

This lunation will be activated by a powerful t-square — among the sun, moon, and Pluto — which can be incredibly intense. Interestingly enough, squares are all about taking action, which is right up Aries' alley, but its opposing forces will challenge you to make moves, whether you like it. Speaking of force, a square to powerful Pluto — planet of death and transformation — could very well feel like a powerful purge from the heavens. Activated by the sun, themes regarding secrecy, jealousy, and power thrills (Pluto) via your one-on-one relationships will come to light during this time.

Whatever is set to take place during this lunation — or up to two weeks after the full moon — has been a long time coming. After all, Pluto in Capricorn has revealed a number of scandals related to people in power, and there's more to be revealed now that Pluto's direct. What's stopping you from stepping into your power? Energy vampires, manipulation, and any misuse of power will no longer being tolerated. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Luckily, a harmonious trine with Jupiter will definitely ease the tension.


Listen to your intuition. A psychic sextile between Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces will bring you closer to the subtle undercurrents happening all around you during this time. This is great energy for communicating, not to mention seeing right through someone's false facades, if need be. Either way, and despite its astrological aspects, this Mars-ruled lunation is all about taking action, and speaking up for yourself. Spiritually, this is a time to invoke your inner warrior and fight for what is right, whether it be personally or via your relationships.

Wishing you a magical full moon.

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