These Cats Are Introducing Themselves To The First Cat Of NZ On Twitter & It's So, So Cute
Lots of cats have social media accounts these days, but the First Cat of New Zealand is the latest kitty in power to join Twitter — much to the delight of other kitties on the platform. Named Paddles, the Kiwi First Cat is an adorable white and orange beeb with a set of pawsome opposable thumbs and a hilarious bio. After one look at his meow-rific profile, I'm left wondering, "Who wouldn't want to send a tweet to @FirstCatofNZ?" Now that the First Cat of NZ is on Twitter, other cats are introducing themselves like the polite and wonderful creatures they are, so he's getting the attention he rightfully deserves.
According to Paddles' quippy social media bio, his full name is Paddles Ardern-Gayford. He's Prime Minister-designate Jacinda Ardern's furbaby and "proud to serve as the First Cat of New Zealand." Paddles is proud of his thumbs and ready to use them for tweeting. "Prrp," his bio reads before declaring that Paddles is an "independent cat" and "not affurliated with the Labour Pawty."
Regardless of his independent status, Paddles has received notable recognition for his social media initiatives. A feature in the Sunday Star Times declared: "The M in MMP stands for miaow now that the most powerful feline has joined social media." My paws are up for Paddles, TBH. What an excellent way to start his first month on Twitter.
Rewinding just a bit, let's recap the success of Paddles' first tweet. On Saturday, Oct. 21, he tweeted the following hello to his followers, complete with a precious portrait of his sweet face and little thumbs. "Hi, I'm Paddles and I am the First Cat of New Zealand," he wrote. "I have opposable thumbs, I'm purrty special."
Paddles' Inaugural Tweet
Fellow Twitter felines quickly responded to the First Cat's post, sending salutations from across New Zealand and the world. At the time of writing, the tweet had more than 1.5K likes and nearly 400 retweets, to boot. Alas, let us recap some of the sweetest messages kitties wrote to Paddles, because I love that cats tweet nowadays.
"Oh Hai Paddles. I'm Viva the Tonkinese. I would have welcomed you earlier but sleeping."
"Hi Paddles, I’m Action Kitteh. Tbh I hiss SCRATSH other cats, but I also dream of world domination so open to friends in high places prrp"
"Hi Paddles! I'm Liam. I'm a rescue cat. Rehoused with immigrants. Love it here."
"Hi Paddles, I’m Gilly and I have a plan. With your thumbs and my voice we could rule these easily punctured furless openers of cans."
"Hi P, I'm Rocky. I love the sun and grass and mainly sleeping. No opposable thumbs but a lot of personality."
"Hi Paddles, this was taken before I decided to leave home and move in with the neighbours. Just remember, they don't own us. We own them."
"Hi I’m Franklin and I like to contemplate our existential lives. I’m purrty special too."
"Dear Paddles. Congratulations on becoming FirstCat of NZ. We are Sooty and Socksy, and we live in Australia. We love to climb. Love from us."
Paddles responded to many of his commenters, penning hilariously punny messages back to his new friends. He even shared snippets of his first day on the job alongside his mom.
Here he is talking to the press.
And being a #Democat.
It's unclear who's running actually Paddles' Twitter page, but the @FirstCatofNZ is worth following no matter whose thumbs are typing. Meow!
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