These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week, But The Sky Will Clear Up
As we march onwards after a strengthening new moon in Virgo, it's clear we're on the road to a better reality. With Mars — planet of human instincts, energy, and aggression — now blasting through progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian Aquarius, the cosmos are coming together to motivate us to fight till the end. Even when you feel like the work is too much to bear, ask yourself to hang on for just a little while longer. Even when the end seems nowhere near in sight, tell yourself that Rome wasn't built in a day. Nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished without sacrifice. Keep this in mind when I say that as of September 10, 2018, this will be the worst week for these zodiac signs: Taurus, Gemini, and Pisces. Prepare for just as much difficulty if your rising sign happens to lie here as well.
Although the cosmos are often harsh, unapologetic teachers, they are always forgiving. With Saturn — planet of karma, discipline, structure, and limitations — finally moving direct, there's no better time to forgive yourself than ever. We've all made mistakes that have held us back at some point or another. Even the most accomplished people have made bad choices. However, sometimes the wrong choices are hear to lead you towards better opportunities. And when faced with these opportunities, you'll have enough wisdom under your belt to finally choose right. The future has yet to come, astro warriors. For now, all you have to do is your best.
Taurus: You May Have To Make A Difficult Decision
Venus, your ruling planet, is in your seventh house of partnerships, drawing your focus toward the commitments you've made and your investments in others. As Venus forms a stressful opposition with Uranus (planet of rebellion and unpredictable change) while it sits in your first house of the self, there's a chance that you'll be forced to choose between a relationship with someone and the relationship you have with yourself. If you feel trapped between someone else's expectations of who you are versus the way you see yourself, it could be time to make your feelings known.
Remember that no matter how much you may love someone, the love you have for yourself is always vastly more important. Be mindful of what you're willing to sacrifice in order to keep a relationship alive.
Gemini: Prepare To Leave Behind Your Comfort Zone
Fiery, brutally honest, and adventurous Sagittarius is your opposite sign. It completes you where you feel yourself empty, pulls you out of your shell, and shows you an important perspective of life that you might not always have. However, when the first quarter moon in Sagittarius rises this week, it may call attention to parts of yourself that you're not ready to deal with. The fact that Jupiter, the planet that rules over Sagittarius, will be spreading loads of cosmic energy across our galaxy this week only reinforces its spotlight on your shadows.
It's time to take a good look at what you find yourself lacking in life. What are you afraid of? Are you holding yourself back in some way? Have you been living in your comfort zone too long? Answer these questions as honestly as a Sagittarius would and then follow your intuition.
Pisces: Your Perception Might Feel Foggy And Confused
Neptune, your ruling planet, has been in retrograde for some time now, making your fantasies more difficult to reach and your imaginative penchant for life even more fickle. When Neptune forms a strange and confounding opposition with Mercury — planet of cognitive function, communication, and technology — you may find that your energy levels have lowered, putting your ability to compute information at a standstill. If you're feeling even more spacey, listless, and tired than usual, there's more to it than just mere laziness.
To get through this cloud of confusion, make sure you take better care of yourself than usually do. Get more sleep, eat healthier, meditate, and find outlets for your feelings. The fog will clear eventually, but you can speed things up by being kind to yourself.