Pete Davidson & Kate Beckinsale’s Astrological Compatibility Says Their Connection Is Fire
There are plenty of great celebrity couples to root for, but let's be honest, the one we are most curious about at the moment has to Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale. Sure, this romance is the new one on the block, but you can tell just by looking at them that this connection is a fiery one, and personally, I am all for it. While the two seem very happy together, their relationship wasn’t one that I could have predicted before it happened. However, once you take a closer look at Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale’s astrological compatibility, it becomes clear that their attraction and subsequent romance makes perfect sense.
Davidson was born November 16, under the sign of Scorpio, and Beckinsale's birthday is July 26, which makes her a Cancer. If you know anything about zodiac compatibility, then you know that Cancer and Scorpio compatibility is legendary. These two signs fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, filling in one another's weaknesses and bolstering the other's strengths. At their core, they both prize loyalty and trust above all things, and in one another they finally find a partner who truly shares those values. So, anytime these two meet, it can feel like coming home. Here's what else we can infer about Davidson and Beckinsale's compatibility based on their astrological signs.
They truly understand one another.
Water signs like Scorpio and Cancer can often feel like they go unheard, and that's because they both have deep wells of emotion from which all their motivations spring. However, they aren't always great about communicating how they're feeling, which can cause water signs to feel like they're being misunderstood. When these two signs come together, though, there is an innate understanding of each other's motivations, needs, and feelings that makes their communication connection strong. It can seem, at times, like they can read one another’s minds.
They have a ton of fun just being together.
Scorpio and Cancer are truly the kindred spirits of the zodiac. Their level of compatibility is basically high across the board, but perhaps where their perfect fit is most evident is in how much they genuinely enjoy one another's company. When these signs come together, it's a meeting of the mind and spirit, so whatever they're doing, they're having the best time. (Even if they're doing nothing at all.) These two tend to be the kind of couple that disappear into a love cocoon when they meet. Calls and texts from friends and family go unanswered because they have created their own little bubble. They really do both love and like one another.
The sexual connection between these signs is legendary.
What happens when you put a Scorpio and Cancer in the same bed? In a word: Fireworks. That's because together they create the perfect conditions for mind-blowing and spiritual sex. Scorpio is the legendary lover of the zodiac and thanks to their ruling planet Pluto, which is associated with power, they have no trouble living up to their reputation and bringing the passion. Cancer, on the other hand, can thank the moon for its connection — the heavenly body associated with emotion, ensuring that their adult fun times are grounded in something deeper and stronger than simply the physical act of sex. So yeah, it's a pretty safe bet that these two have a sex life that is absolute fire.
Perhaps from the outside, Davidson and Beckinsale seem like a surprising couple, but when you consider all the ways that these two are compatible on an astrological level, you can see why they were both drawn to one another and have such big, happy smiles on their faces. Yep, this connection is the real deal, so go ahead. Ship it!