Meghan Markle's First Job Ever Was So Mundane, It'll Make You Love Her More
Do you guys remember what your first official job was? I'm going to assume that it wasn't super glamorous, because let's face it: teenager's jobs consist mostly of small, mundane tasks. But that's OK, because apparently, so was Meghan Markle's first job, meaning that just because she married into royalty doesn't mean that she spent her whole life living in the lap of luxury, and I can appreciate that. And I have a feeling that Meghan Markle's job when she was younger was pretty similar to the things all of us have done at some point or another.
On Friday, Oct. 19 (Australian time), newlyweds Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made a visit to Macarthur Girls High in Sydney as a part of their royal tour to meet students involved with the "In League in Harmony Youth Advocate" program, which, People reports, "aims to unite and inspire young people to be advocates for cohesion and inclusion in their communities."
It was there that a glowing and pregnant Markle spoke to the students about her first job, which she said consisted of "taking out the trash."
Um, I'm sorry, but did Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex just tell the world that her first job was dealing with garbage? Talk about rags to riches, people.
Markle explained that her first job actually helped to mold her into the woman that she is today, and praised the students, saying, "You guys all remind me so much of myself when I was growing up," New Idea reported.
"I went to an all-girls school which was incredibly diverse as well," she told the students, adding, "I think being around such empowered young women, it becomes something that you all just grasp onto to understand your world."
Markle then said, "It makes me so emotional. You’re doing really, really good work and I’m so happy that we’re here. We give you our full support."
Can you even imagine being one of those students, having a gorgeously pregnant Meghan Markle telling you how proud she is of you and your school?
I'd need a minute. I actually need a minute right now and I don't even go to that school.
Almost as adorable as Markle herself was her new husband, Prince Harry, who told the students that men should also be joining in to support women and the fight for equality. "Men can help as well by getting involved, we have to," he said. Hell yeah, Prince Harry! I'm all about this.
Before their visit to the school, the couple took a trip to Bondi Beach, where they met with Grant Trebilco and Sam Schumacher, founders of OneWave, a non-profit surf community which aims to use surfing as a form of therapy.
And if you ever wondered what the royal couple would look like with stacks of leis around their necks, look no further:
Can you even deal?
Because I honestly can't deal.
Just imagining these two having a royal baby makes me so damn excited. On Monday, Oct. 15, Kensington Palace posted a photo of Meghan and Harry on their Twitter account along with the statement, "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019." Shortly after, they tweeted, "Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public."
The happy news keeps on coming for Meghan and Harry, and I'm so excited to see what's in store for them.