Someone Impersonated Lili Reinhart In ‘Riverdale’ Interviews & She’s As Confused As Fans
Will the real Lili Reinhart please stand up? The actor has already taken on plenty of wild storylines on Riverdale, but recently, she's been dealing with a case of stolen identity in real life. Someone actually pretended to be the actor while speaking with journalists, and Lili Reinhart's Instagram about an imposter giving interviews shows that she's just as confused as fans.
On Saturday, Jan. 23, the star shared a statement Seventeen magazine had made apologizing for publishing an interview with someone who was only pretending to be Reinhart.
"Today, we briefly published a story with information we were led to believe was from Lili Reinhart. However, it was brought to our attention that the person who contacted us was, in fact, an impersonator and had no connection to the Riverdale star," the publication's statement said. "We want to sincerely apologize to Lili and her fans for this unfortunate situation."
Reinhart herself reaffirmed that the Seventeen quotes were false on her IG story. "For some bizarre reason, someone impersonated me in an interview with @Seventeen," she wrote. "Nothing inappropriate was said, but those were not my words and I wanted to address it."
The imposter apparently reached out to publications pretending to be both Reinhart and her publicist, then gave interviews with Seventeen and the British publication Daily Express.
The impersonator's primary goal seemed to be convincing fans that Betty and Archie's romance would be a big part of Riverdale Season 5, leading them to provide fake info about upcoming episodes.
The fake Reinhart told Seventeen that Betty and Archie have a "very complex, deep, and heavily-referenced" relationship , and that it's "kind of impossibly that they would just brush it off going further." They also spread misinformation about a future Barchie scene, saying: "There is a very emotional scene we are both shooting in February, and both KJ and I are looking forward to working on it."
After formally addressing the whole incident on Instagram, Reinhart also appeared to take aim at her impersonator on Twitter later that same day. "Honestly, whenever someone hurts me or f*cks me over... I allow myself to feel upset.. but then I say well it's a good thing I'm a successful, badass boss bitch," the 24-year-old tweeted alongside an iconic gif of Mad Men's Peggy Olson smirking with sunglasses and a cigarette.
All this drama isn't to say that Barchie won't end up happening in Season 5, but viewers will only know for sure by watching things unfold themselves.