Hulu's Year In Review Is Here & The Top Streamed Movie Will Surprise You
Binge-watching sessions are serious matters that are not to be taken lightly. There are many factors to consider before embarking on such an adventure: what type of snacks you need, what blanket offers the perfect amount of warmth, and of course, what show needs to go on your must-watch list. Hulu's Year in Review 2017 has been revealed, and it'll certainly give you ideas for your next evening on the couch (complete with ice cream, of course).
Hulu's findings are for the most serious of viewers, so these stats are not for the faint of heart. The streaming service looks to uncover the most unusual behavior of its customers, and there are certainly plenty this year. Don't try to out-do one of these findings with a half-full carton of Ben & Jerry's and an uncomfortable pillow — you'll be sorry.
Now that you're inspired to have a weekend in, take a look at some of the interesting Hulu stats. It's time to prepare your blankets just so. First thing's first, viewers are all about the laughs this year, and understandably so. It's safe to say 2017 will go down as one of the most tumultuous years in all of mankind, so who doesn't appreciate a little levity? According to Hulu, viewers enjoyed 36 percent more comedies this year than in 2016. A little laughing certainly goes a long way.
Speaking of laughs, viewers got to enjoy more than 12,000 years of South Park. That's 107 million hours. As Jimmy would say, "Wow what a great audience."
This isn't the only jaw-dropping reveal. Hulu also tells us that Daddy's Home hit the top of the charts with 12 million streams, the greatest of the year. There are some serious Mark Wahlberg fans out there, huh? Guaranteed some of those viewers are Montana residents; the state took the title of "most hours streamed per subscriber." Everyone else across the country definitely has a lot to live up to now.
Perhaps what's most heartwarming is the fact that viewers want to enjoy their laughs and evenings with Cartman and co. with loved ones. The study also states that 59 percent of viewers want to watch Hulu with a spouse. Likewise, 31 percent watch with children and 30 percent watch with friends and family. I'm very clearly left off this list, as I will plow through any show regardless of who wants to join me (very sentimental, I know).
If you really want to dream big, there is one user to aspire to. This particular customer watched 48 times more hours of content than the average viewer. What does that entail? Oh, you know, nothing too intense, just 654 movies and 195 different TV series. Do you think you can handle that?
Speaking of those 195 shows, the company does not comment on a series' individual statistics, a rep tells Elite Daily. However, he does reveal that favorites include The Handmaid's Tale, Family Guy, Law & Order SVU, Bob’s Burgers, and Rick and Morty, in addition to classics like South Park, as previously mentioned. Those are the go-to picks, so don't miss the trend.
There is certainly a lot to love about Hulu's 2017 findings, and there's plenty to live up to (if you're looking to top the content its most dedicated viewer consumed this year). We suggest finding a good snack (some hot chocolate will do nicely) and getting ready to enjoy a new show — just make sure a loved one is by your side.
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