
Grab A Tissue, Wells Knew Sarah Was The One On Their Very First Date

by Veronica Lopez
Originally Published: 

If you can’t get enough of Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland, you’re not alone — the adorable couple is easy to love. Between fiercely defending each other from online haters and posting the sweetest tributes to their love on Instagram, it’s hard not to root for them. And their proposal video? HTGKMO. But believe it or not, their love story gets even cuter. Wells Adams knew Sarah Hyland was the one for him on their very first date. Are you at all surprised?

I spoke to Adams, a "Spirit Guide" for Svedka Vodka (which Adams describes as "awesome, but also at a reasonable price point"), about how he knew Hyland was the woman he wanted to marry. “It was really early on, I think it was our first date,” he says. The two had been talking via social media before actually meeting IRL, and before Adams even moved to Los Angeles, he was in town for business. That night just so happened to be the exclusive Evening Before The Emmys party, to which Hyland was invited because her show, Modern Family, was nominated for an Emmy at the awards the following evening. “When I finished up, we were supposed to meet up for a drink, and she was like, ‘You know this is too late. Just come to this party,’ and I was like, ‘OK!’ I didn’t know what I was walking into,” he says. “Literally every famous person on every amazing television show was at this party, and it was terrifying for me because I didn’t even, at the time, live in LA.”

Gabriel Olsen/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Imagine being on a first date with someone you’ve been DMing for months (so you’re already nervous enough), except you’re in the casual company of every person you've ever seen on TV. NBD! Thankfully, Adams and Hyland hit it off pretty well. So well, in fact, that at the end of the night, Hyland offered to drop Adams off where he was staying because she had a driver. “We made out in the car and I said something to the driver like ‘Hey, let’s go around the city again,’” he says. “We didn’t, but I joke that when I said that, that was the time I realized.”

First off, kudos to Hyland’s driver for being the most chill. And second, can you believe?! Someone pass the tissues. Adams also says Hyland knew he was the one the very same night, except “she beat me by like two hours.” He said they were dancing at the Emmys party, and Hyland was “really cutting it up” on the dance floor, but he felt bad because she was holding her purse so he offered to hold it for her. “Give me your purse, I’ll hold it while you dance with your girlfriends,” he said to her. “And I didn’t think about it. I was like, ‘If you want to get down and twerk, you should be able to do it hands-free.’ The way she tells the story is that she had dated a lot of guys who were maybe intimidated by her success, and maybe didn’t want to be the guy holding the purse. I don’t have any ego or any of that, so l was just like, ‘Yeah, get weird.’”

The two first caught each other’s eyes after Hyland watched Adams compete on JoJo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette in 2016. While she was still in a relationship with ex Dominic Sherwood at the time, she told E! News she really was just rooting for him on the show, and tweeted at him, “Ugh! @WellsAdams making a Lord of the Flies reference on men tell all??? #knewhewasthebestfromthestart #menwhoreadarehot.”

By the time Adams went on Bachelor In Paradise as the show’s resident bartender, Hyland and Sherwood had amicably split. That’s when she tweeted, “OH MY GOD @WellsAdams IS THE FRIKKIN BARTENDER?! Best. Season. Ever. #BachelorInParadise.” Safe to say, it worked. He replied, “Taking applications for #BIP5 bar backs now. Please send references..Preferably from Phil Dunphy. I'm kidding the job is yours @Sarah_Hyland.”

After that, Adams DM-ed Hyland, and the rest is history. They moved in together “a little under a year” after they first started dating, Adams says. “I think we both knew [we wanted to be together] so we were like, this makes sense.”

Adams proposed to Hyland with a custom Lorraine Schwartz ring in July 2019 on a small private island in Fiji, and Hyland, of course, said yes. Lucky for him, she left all the guesswork out of the ring-buying process. “She told me what she wanted in terms of the ring like a year and a half before,” Adams says. “We were just like walking around the mall in Nashville and walked into a Tiffany’s and did that thing that you do when you’re immediately in love like, ‘Let’s find rings.’ So then I just made a list of all the things that she said she wanted, and I sent the list to Lorraine Schwartz, and I was like, do that.” They announced their engagement on July 16. Hyland captioned her post, “That can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, world series kind of stuff ✨❤️ @wellsadams."

These two are as sweet as they come, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them next.

This article was originally published on