8 Ways To Tell You're A City Girl Who Needs To Go Coastal, ASAP
When the ocean is calling, it's almost impossible not to answer. If you live in the city, that coastal life can seem pretty distant and unattainable because it's not right in front of you. Your desire to be at the beach, though, isn't obscured by the fast-paced nature of where you live. Once you're alone and your schedule has slowed down, you know how to tell if you're a city girl who's in desperate need of some Vitamin Sea.
It's almost like a little piece of you is tucked away by the ocean. When your life is constantly surrounded by skyscrapers, bustling streets, and busy bee people, you're bound to sorely miss the chill vibes of the beach.
There's nothing like the soft breeze brushing against your face as you turn over on the sand to even out your tan. Your countless pictures prove the beach is part of some of your best summer memories. Whether it's your wanderlust or the vibrant mermaid soul within, you know when you're due for a trip to get your ocean fix. The distractions of the city can only hold your attention for so long before the ocean child in you starts to overcome you in these eight ways.
01You've Been Bathing Suit Shopping Since Winter
During winter, most people were thinking about how to dodge the bomb cyclone and wearing layers upon layers of sweaters, but you were on cloud nine as you filled your online cart with floral print bathing suits. In your head, you were dreaming about the most relaxing beach days... in the dead of winter.
02You Look Out At The Skyline And Imagine It's A Shoreline
Don't get me wrong, skylines can be absolutely beautiful. After awhile, when the beach is on your radar, you start wishing that landscape in the distance was a coastal view of the ocean. It's a stretch, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
03You Keep Scrolling Through Pictures From The Last Time You Were At The Beach
Reminiscing much? Whether they're selfies or group pics, those times were seriously everything. You didn't want those beach days to end, and no matter how many times you look at the pics, it doesn't beat actually being there and living out those moments for yourself once again.
04Your Movie Selections Have All Had Summery Beach Vibes
Do you keep watching The Last Song, or flicks with the whole "school's out for summer" vibe? You have sort of reached a new level of longing for the shore. Everyone you're watching is so carefree on the coast, and you want a piece of that mentality, too.
05You Wiggle Your Toes And Wish They Were Covered In The Sand
The warm sand in your toes is one of the first things you encounter when you go to the beach. It never gets old. If you're sitting at your desk in pumps, flats, or sneakers and wiggling your toes uncontrollably, your feet are having major FOMO. Pack those sandals, and get a move on it.
06A Soundtrack Of Ocean Waves Is The Only Way You Get Sleep These Days
You have the sounds of the ocean on repeat when you go to bed because it's comforting as hell. The loud sounds of the city can be a bit daunting at times. If the ocean is the only thing putting you to sleep, you're likely dreaming about it, too.
07You're Counting Down The Days Until The First Day Of Summer
Although you probably don't have a summer break anymore, you definitely have a radar for when the weather's going to get nice. You have summer's debut marked on your calendar, because it's prime time for beach days. I mean, what other way is there to spend your summer?
08You Won't Even Rock Your New Sunnies Unless It's On A Beach
You have purchased a ton of sunglasses for the new season. For some reason, though, they seem to be missing one thing: the beach. Sure, you have cute AF outfits that complement them, but your selfie seriously isn't complete without that dreamy ocean environment that gives you so much life.
The city life might be what you're used to, but it's not always what you want. Say "peace out" to the skyline for a bit and wave hello to the shore.