5 Tips For Taking The Perfect Thirst Trap That'll Make You Feel So, So Sexy
In need of a little ego boost? May I suggest setting a thirst trap on your Instagram? Let's be honest: Don’t try and tell me it doesn't feel amazing when you finally take the perfect picture that makes you feel like a goddess. (The likes that roll in after are just an added bonus.) Of course it does. And there's no shame in that, so long as you know how to take a thirst trap that will leave you feeling sexier than ever.
Some people will tell you it's a bad idea to post sexy pics of yourself on the internet, but personally, I think it’s really empowering. I believe that every woman should have total control over her own image and narrative, so if you choose to throw out a sexy thirst trap, then do you, boo. I mean, are we all really still so freaked out about our bodies that we're supposed to feel guilty about showing it off a little bit if we're feeling ourselves? Nope. Not today, world.
So now that we've gotten the basics out of the way, how exactly do you take a thirst trap that makes you feel amazing? Turns out, it just takes a little patience and experimentation. Here are five things you want to keep in mind when you're ready to set that trap.
1. Know Your Best Angles (You Know, The Ones That Make You Feel Sexy)
Knowing the angles that make you feel your sexiest is probably the most important part of taking any selfie, but especially a thirst trap. Spend some time playing with your phone and taking photos from every angle (and I do mean all 360 degrees), because you never know which pic will surprise you and make you feel oh-so-confident.
2. Perfect Your Pose
The next step in crafting the perfect selfie that will showcase your confidence (while also leaving 'em thirsty AF) is to figure out your go-to pose. Do you love your legs? Do you wanna show off that booty? Practice in the mirror to find the ideal position for your body that highlights what makes you feel most confident and sexiest (which, TBH, is all of you, duh). It might feel totally unnatural at first, but once you start playing around with your poses, you'll be sure to find one that'll make you want to shout about how good you feel from the rooftops.
3. Think About Lighting And Shadow
Don't be afraid to get artsy with your thirst trap. Of course, any photo you take will look hot AF, but you may want to experiment with finding the light you love, too. Don't underestimate the power of good lighting (if that's what you like, of course), as it has the power to accentuate the features you love about yourself.
4. Choose Clothing That Makes You Feel Amazing
Sometimes, a simple (or not-so-simple) bathing suit or tank top is enough for you to feel like you slay, but that doesn't mean you can't have even more fun with it. Set the mood for thirst (and confidence) with something you feel unbelievably sexy in. Sometimes, you just need a little ego boost of slipping into a dress or lingerie you love to turn you into a thirst trap queen.
5. It's Your Picture, Your Choice
Remember, yes, this is a thirst trap, but first and foremost, it's a sexy picture that should boost your confidence and help you feel so, so good about yourself. Therefore, you get to choose just how sexy you go. Don't feel like you have to give it all up in your pic if you don't want to. If you feel sexy and confident just teasing one or two of your favorite features, then go for it.
It really just comes down to practice and experimentation until you find just the right one that makes you say, "Hell yeah, I'm feelin' myself." Don't get discouraged. The celebs make taking the perfect thirst trap look easy, but you know their phones' camera rolls are full of rejects, too. (And if you're me, way too many cat photos.)
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